amazon-science / siam-mot

SiamMOT: Siamese Multi-Object Tracking
Apache License 2.0
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Install maskrcnn-benchmark in the siammot env or in a seperate env? #18

Open kl2005ad opened 3 years ago

kl2005ad commented 3 years ago

Confused by the install instructions. If I install everything except maskrcnn-benchmark as the instructions showed, I got the following errors when running the demo on a long video (not sure if it is caused by the lack of maskrcnn-benchmark):

Traceback (most recent call last): File "demos/", line 5, in from demos.demo_inference import DemoInference ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'demos'

kl2005ad commented 3 years ago

Problem solved. Installed maskrcnn-benchmark in a separate repo but with the same conda env. Set the PATHONPATH with the project dir.

JAYCHOU2020 commented 3 years ago

Problem solved. Installed maskrcnn-benchmark in a separate repo but with the same conda env. Set the PATHONPATH with the project dir.

can this code track mutil classes object?

AydinAlptug commented 3 years ago

Problem solved. Installed maskrcnn-benchmark in a separate repo but with the same conda env. Set the PATHONPATH with the project dir.

Can you please explain in more detail?

mondrasovic commented 3 years ago

Confused by the install instructions. If I install everything except maskrcnn-benchmark as the instructions showed, I got the following errors when running the demo on a long video (not sure if it is caused by the lack of maskrcnn-benchmark):

Traceback (most recent call last): File "demos/", line 5, in from demos.demo_inference import DemoInference ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'demos'

The library can be installed in the same environment. I see no reason why it should not be. And considering your problem with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'demos' error, you do not necessarily have to change the PYTHONPATH value. All you need is to run the script as a module from within the project root directory, so for example:

python -m demos.demo --demo-video <path> --track-class person_vehicle --output-path <path>

The trouble with ModuleNotFoundError is not specific to this project. It is related to how Python itself manages the execution of scripts.