amazonlinux / amazon-linux-2023

Amazon Linux 2023
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[Bug] Cannot RUN when PULLing Amazonliunux Image in Docker Image #343

Open topias11a705 opened 1 year ago

topias11a705 commented 1 year ago

Use This image on ARM64bit &64bitAMD

root@ubuntu:/home/xxxxx# docker images -a
REPOSITORY                TAG                IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
amazonlinux               <none>             **a437c001bf61**   3 days ago      178MB

root@ubuntu:/home/xxxxx# docker run -it **a437c001bf61**
root@ubuntu:/home/xxxxx# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND       CREATED              STATUS                        PORTS     NAMES
aa744bfe3657   a437c001bf61            "/bin/bash"   About a minute ago   **Exited (132) 34 seconds ago**             mystifying_euler

I am reporting this here because the same problem occurs on a different CPU architecture, so maybe it is not a Docker problem but an AmazonLinux problem. I am able to run UBUNTU's Dockerimage and OracleLinux's DockerImage correctly in the same environment.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND       CREATED         STATUS                       PORTS     NAMES
95816aa2e2ea   arm64v8/amazonlinux    "/bin/bash"   6 seconds ago   **Exited** (132)3 seconds ago             intelligent_lewin
3fb7df461a2a   arm64v8/oraclelinux:9   "/bin/bash"   13 hours ago    **Up** About an hour                       angry_galois
367c74768c48   arm64v8/ubuntu          "/bin/bash"   13 hours ago    **Up** About an hour                       trusting_diffie

Docker version used on Arm64bit computer is 23.0.5, build bc4487a DockerDesctop version used on AMD64bit computer is v4.19.0


ozbenh commented 1 year ago

What specific ARM64 computer is this ? Amazon Linux 2023 is built with -march=armv8.2-a+crypto which means it needs a fairly modern ARM64 core with at least ARMv8.2 support with the optional Cyrptographic Extension. Afaik this includes Cortex A75/A55 and later (and N1, V1 etc...)

rodmaz commented 1 year ago

@ozbenh That probably answers the question why we cannot run Amazon Linux 2023 on our Raspberry Pi 3 (Broadcom BCM2837).

ozbenh commented 1 year ago

Right. We are looking at printing a more informative error message in a future update. Unfortunately no RPi has a new enough ARM core (though some Rockship RK3588 based devices might work, I haven't tried)