amazonlinux / amazon-linux-2023

Amazon Linux 2023
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[Missing Documentation] - Bare-metal installation #613

Closed denisgabriel5 closed 5 months ago

denisgabriel5 commented 5 months ago

Is there any way I could run this bare-metal? Also, what do I need to recompile the kernel using kernel options that I want?

stewartsmith commented 5 months ago

Amazon Linux does not currently support being run on bare metal systems. We do support being run on .metal EC2 Instance types.

Rebuilding the kernel with custom options is a bit out of scope for what we're looking to have in our documentation. It doesn't differ from the normal methods though.

denisgabriel5 commented 5 months ago

I want to manually rebuild the kernel and boot it bare-metal. Is there a recommended .config file?