amazonlinux / amazon-linux-2023

Amazon Linux 2023
501 stars 38 forks source link

[Package Request] - Add log4cxx libraries #614

Open djdeveloper opened 5 months ago

djdeveloper commented 5 months ago

What package is missing from Amazon Linux 2023? Please describe and include package name. log4cxx.x86_64 log4cxx-devel.x86_64

Is this an update to existing package or new package request? New package

Is this package available in Amazon Linux 2? If it is available via external sources such as EPEL, please specify. N/A

Any additional information you'd like to include. (use-cases, etc) Used for logging in C++ application on Centos 7

daniejstriata commented 5 months ago

You can build packages for AL2023 in Fedora COPR. I've added the latest Fedora 39 build of log4cxx to my repo and it built fine without changing dependencies.