amazonlinux / amazon-linux-2023

Amazon Linux 2023
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[Bug] - DHCP Leases are not handled correctly on VMware Platform using the AML 2023 official template #658

Open csmcadrian1 opened 3 months ago

csmcadrian1 commented 3 months ago

DHCP Leases are not handled correctly when a new vm is created from AML2023 official template

Each time a new vm is created from this template in VMware, it will get the same IP address reserved from the DHCP. Looking at the DHCP, the registration is not based on the MAC address but on a very long "Unique ID", which remains the same for every new vm created affecting the DHCP reservation to lease the same IP for every new vm created from the template.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 09 08 42

VMware Linux amazonlinux2023 6.1.77-99.164.azn2023.86_64 cloud-init 22.2.2

elsaco commented 3 months ago

@csmcadrian1 how do you create new al2023 vms, clone existing vm or import ova? The long "Unique ID" is probably the machine-id. Run hostnamectl to show current info.

This might help you!

csmcadrian1 commented 3 months ago

@elsaco thanks for the help, I've managed to fix my issue by applying the workaround from the article you shared.