ambarja / CheatSheetRGEE

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Group by categories the functions of rgee #2

Open ambarja opened 3 years ago

ambarja commented 3 years ago

At the moment rgee has 69 available functions, this is a proposal for a group the functions by category with the final of to have a cheetshet structured.

ambarja commented 3 years ago
ambarja commented 3 years ago

Structure of rgee cheatsheet


Categories Spatial data type description functions
General -
  • Number
  • String
  • List
  • Dictionary
  • Array
  • Date
  • DateRange
  • General functions for handling object basic
  • ee$Number()
  • ee$String()
  • ee$List()
  • ee$Dictionary()
  • ee$Array()
  • ee$Date()
  • ee$DateRange()
Geometry vector
  • Point
  • Linestring
  • LinearRing(close lineString)
  • Polygon
  • MultiPoint
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiGeometry
  • Set of geometries form that respresent a object geographical.
  • ee$Geometry$BBox()
  • ee$Geometry$LineRing()
  • ee$Geometry$MultiLineString()
  • ee$Geometry$MultiPoint()
  • ee$Geometry$MultiPolygon()
  • ee$Geometry$Point()
  • ee$Geometry$Polygon()
  • ee$Geometry$Rectangle()
  • ee$Geometry()
Feature & FeatureCollection vector
  • Point
  • Linestring
  • LinearRing(close lineString)
  • Polygon
  • MultiPoint
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiGeometry
  • Is an object with a type of geometry + properties
  • Is a set of geometries (point,linestring, polygon)+ propeties
  • ee$Feacture()
  • e$FeatureCollection()
Image& ImageCollection raster
  • Bands
  • Is a set of pixels that represent a type of continuous and category information
  • Is a stack or sequence of images
  • ee$Image()
  • ee$ImageCollection()
  • ee$ImageCollection.fromImages()
Reducer raster with vector
  • Reducers take a dataset of input and produce a only output, is a form to agreggate data over time, space, bands, matrix and another structure of earth engine data
  • min
  • max
  • mean
  • median
  • median
  • standar desviation
  • moda
  • etc
  • ee$Reducer()
  • reduce()
  • image$reduceRegion()
  • reduceNeighboard()
  • featureCollection$reduceColumns
  • reduceToVectors()
  • reduceToImage()
  • reducer$group()
  • unweighted()
  • ee$Reducer$linearFit()
  • ee$Reducer$linearRegression()
  • ee$Reducer$robustLinearRegression()
  • ee$Reducer$ridgeRegression()
ambarja commented 3 years ago

Structure of rgee cheatsheet


Categories Spatial data type description functions
Machine Learning
  • ee$Classifier()
  • ee$Cluster()
  • ee$Model()
Specialized Algorithms
Asset Managament
  • ee_manage_asset_access()
  • ee_manage_asset_size()
  • ee_manage_assetlist()
  • ee_manage_cancel_all_running_task()
  • ee_manage_copy()
  • ee_manage_create()
  • ee_manage_create()
  • ee_manage_delete_properties()
  • ee_manage_move()
  • ee_manage_quota()
  • ee_manage_set_properties()
  • ee_manage_task()
Custom visualization
  • continous palette
  • categorical palette
  • character palette
  • custom palette
  • Map$addLegend()
  • Map$addLayer()
  • Map$addLayers()
Custom Animations
  • ee_get()
  • ee_utils_gif_annotate
  • ee_utils_gif_creator
  • ee_utils_gif_save
Custom Applications
  • Flexdasboard
  • Shinny