amber-lang / amber

💎 Amber the programming language compiled to bash
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Sudo block #220

Open Mte90 opened 1 month ago

Mte90 commented 1 month ago

An idea could be that every command inside this block get prefix with sudo.

Another can be like a check if the script is running as root or not, like a function user_is_root.

b1ek commented 1 month ago

like as to add sudo as built in?

Mte90 commented 1 month ago

Something like

sudo {
  apt install etc
Ph0enixKM commented 1 month ago

This could be added to command modifiers:

sudo silent unsafe $ my_cmd $?

// or
unsafe sudo {
    $apt install cmd$
Ph0enixKM commented 1 month ago

The things is... what to do when people don't have sudo installed? This is not a built-in command and someone could have an alternative to that like doas

Mte90 commented 1 month ago

I think that Amber in that case will add on the first sudo usage (whatever the implementation is), block the execution if sudo is not available on top of the script

Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

Perhaps if sudo isn't installed on the target system, and the script uses the sudo modifier, the programmer will need to write an Amber function called sudo that takes a string parameter and runs whatever alternative he uses.

fun sudo(command: Text) {
  $ doas blah blah {command} $?
Mte90 commented 2 weeks ago

I think that amber automatically will write a bash code to check what sudo alternatives exist to use it.

Ph0enixKM commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm I think that we can indeed do that. Even as a builtin.

CymDeveloppement commented 2 weeks ago

maybe we can imagine a block definition by the user. for example :

pub block sudo(command: Text) {
  $sudo  bash << EOF

user can define more block like

pub block serverASSH(command: Text) {
  $ssh user@123.456.789.0 << EOF
pub block server_storage(command: Text) {
  $sudo sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions user@123.456.789.0r:~/ /mnt/test$?

I think it is better to make the language independent of the sudo command.

it's just an idea

Mte90 commented 2 weeks ago

I think that is not bad to have this kind of blocks. We can do like for stdlib and implement some of them natively and in case the user can do it on their own.

Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

An interesting idea. Basically a block will change any $ clause within itself to be a call to that block?

sudo {
  ...some Amber code unaffected by the sudo block...
  $ some shell command intercepted by the sudo block $

Would essentially rewrite to:

  ...some Amber code unaffected by the sudo block...
  call_sudo_block("some shell command intercepted by the sudo block")

Is that what you mean?

Then, library functions or builtins like cp or mv would call $ under the hood, and automatically "just work":

sudo {
  mv "file1" "file2"

pub mv(from: Text, to: Text): Null {
  $ mv {from} {to} $

Rewrites to:

call_sudo_block("mv file1 file2")

The sudo block then, of course, rewrites it to:

$ sudo mv file1 file2 $
Mte90 commented 2 weeks ago

Can be an idea for sure. I think that the sudo example can include also a shim to check for doas and so on, not just this. mv will check if the file exist and will show an alert and so on.

Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

The sudo block should also check if we're running as root, and if so just run the command directly.

b1ek commented 2 weeks ago

this should also check if sudo is actually doas at runtime

Ph0enixKM commented 2 weeks ago

So the block will create a block that parses all command contents $...$ or the tokens itself? If we're talking about tokens then this is a macro instead. We can create a macro engine for Amber

Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

I took it as meaning that the block would override the behaviour of the $ operator in all nested scopes including function calls. Something akin to:

old_$ = $
$ = call_some_function
  $ some command $          // actually calls the function instead!
$ = old_$

Macros are cool too.

Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

Another example:

pub block printing(arg: Text) {
  echo arg

pub fun mv(from: Text, to: Text): Null {
  $ mv {from} {to} $

printing {
  mv "file1" "file2"        // actually prints instead
mv "file1" "file2"          // runs the mv command normally
b1ek commented 2 weeks ago

i see sudo block as something more like this:

sudo {
    echo "hehehe >:}"
    rm -rf /*
sudo bash -c "echo hehehe >:}
rm -rf /*"
Sod-Almighty commented 2 weeks ago

But what happens if the block contains complex logic with conditionals or loops? Do we get a giant monolithic frankenstein sudo statement?

b1ek commented 1 week ago

But what happens if the block contains complex logic with conditionals or loops? Do we get a giant monolithic frankenstein sudo statement?

i guess?? i mean its kind of a trade off. you wouldn't want to enter the password multiple times, right?

Sod-Almighty commented 1 week ago
