amberbit / translator

This is Rails 3 engine and translation backends for MongoDB and Redis.
MIT License
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german umlauts cause error ü,ä,ö #3

Closed clekstro closed 10 years ago

clekstro commented 12 years ago

This error message appears: 756: unexpected token at '"K\u00fc

Am running rails 3.2.

hubertlepicki commented 12 years ago

Where did you enter those characters? In de.yml file? Or in the admin panel? Could you give me the stacktrace (plugin related part is okay).

hubertlepicki commented 12 years ago

And thanks for reporting BTW :) (where did my manners go...) I'll fix as soon as I'm able to reproduce.

fabn commented 12 years ago

Did you solved this? I'm getting a very similar error.

[18] pry(main)> I18n.with_locale(:fr) { I18n.t('') }
MultiJson::DecodeError: 757: unexpected token at '"ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter un seul caract\u00e8re)"'
from /Users/fabio/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/json-1.7.3/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `parse'

Content of my yml files is taken from here, when I try to save a translation everything works:

Started POST "/translations" for at 2012-07-24 18:51:09 +0200
Processing by Translator::TranslationsController#create as JS
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"9Y3UHK3XAOLujC44gRazHLWfT6lH+tFHMJmRWdYj3Vw=", "key"=>"", "value"=>"ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter un seul caractère)", "commit"=>"Save"}
  Rendered /Users/fabio/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bundler/gems/translator-e4d08578956d/app/views/translator/translations/_form.html.erb (3.0ms)
  Rendered /Users/fabio/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bundler/gems/translator-e4d08578956d/app/views/translator/translations/create.js.erb (5.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 55ms (Views: 54.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Solr: 0.0ms)

After that if I translate the translated key using a console or the view helper I get that error.

fabn commented 12 years ago

Maybe it's related to this