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Plugin: Additional Features #1236

Closed AndiLavera closed 3 years ago

AndiLavera commented 3 years ago

Description of the Change

Small changes to expand the functionality of plugins.

One feature allow passing arguments to liquid template files. The syntax is:

amber plugin mochi granite

With granite being the single argument.

I added support for auto-generating plugs. The final commit ensures the config.yml file is deleted after rendering. This should of made it into the previous PR.

A spec has been added for all additional features.


Plugin templates can be more dynamic. For example, my shard Mochi supports both Granite and Jennifer ORM's. Rather than having shards "mochi-granite-plugin" and "mochi-jennifer-plugin" that would be almost duplicates of each other, I can use simple if statements in my plugin templates.

if args.orm == "granite"

Possible Drawbacks

It's possible users don't pass in the proper arguments and the template doesn't come out right.

Example Config File

I have a branch open on my authentication shard waiting for this final PR. In case anyone else wanted to take a look, here is what the config file currently supports.

  - orm
  - extension
      - "# Mochi Authenticable"
      - plug
      - "# Mochi Authenticable"
      - plug
      - "# Mochi Authenticable"
      - get "/signin", SessionController, :new
      - post "/session", SessionController, :create
      - get "/signup", UserController, :new
      - post "/signup", UserController, :create
      - ""
      - "# Mochi Confirmable"
      - "# get \"/registration/update\", RegistrationController, :update"
      - ""
      - "# Mochi Invitable"
      - "# get \"/invite/new\", InvitableController, :new"
      - "# get \"/invite/edit\", InvitableController, :edit"
      - "# post \"/invite\", InvitableController, :create"
      - "# patch \"/invite\", InvitableController, :update"
      - ""
      - "# Mochi Lockable"
      - "# get \"/unlock\", UnlockableController, :update"
      - ""
      - "# Mochi Omniauthable"
      - "# get \"/omniauth/user/:provider\", Omniauthable::UserController, :create"
      - "# get \"/omniauth/user/:provider/callback\", Omniauthable::UserController, :callback"
      - "# get \"/omniauth/:provider\", Omniauthable::SessionController, :create"
      - "# get \"/omniauth/:provider/callback\", Omniauthable::SessionController, :callback"
      - ""
      - "# Mochi Recoverable"
      - "# get \"/reset/password\", RecoverableController, :new"
      - "# get \"/reset/password/edit\", RecoverableController, :edit"
      - "# post \"/reset/password\", RecoverableController, :create"
      - "# patch \"/reset/password/:id\", RecoverableController, :update"
      - "# Mochi Authenticable"
      - get "/profile", UserController, :show
      - get "/profile/edit", UserController, :edit
      - patch "/profile", UserController, :update
      - get "/signout", SessionController, :destroy

We decided not to go with submodules since the crystal binary doesn't include unused code. Because of that, I wanted only my "first" module (basic authentication) to have routes and the rest are commented out. Users can uncomment what they need and delete the rest.

Routes & plugs get auto-generated and in my liquid templates, i can reference args.orm and args.extension.

AndiLavera commented 3 years ago

A spec has been added.

I also changed the naming scheme for arguments. Plugin authors define argument names in their config.yml.

  - name
  - age

Then these can be accessed in liquid templates with & args.age. Let me know what you think.

AndiLavera commented 3 years ago

@drujensen I updated the first comment of this PR to include an explanation of all changes. Please let me know if any additional changes need to be made.