amberframework / amber

A Crystal web framework that makes building applications fast, simple, and enjoyable. Get started with quick prototyping, less bugs, and blazing fast performance.
MIT License
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Looking for maintainers #1277

Closed robacarp closed 2 years ago

robacarp commented 2 years ago

Amber remains one of the first landing places for new developers coming into crystal. It was a busy project for some time and has a wealth of technical implementation. At this time the developers (myself included) don't have the time to volunteer in the ways that the project needs.

If you're willing to participate in maintainership, please leave a message here or get in touch in Discord (@rob on Crystal discord). You don't need to be a grand master developer or have infinite free time -- the community around here is generally willing to contribute patches.

Edit: Any discussion about amber maintenance will now be on a dedicated Amber discord server.

crimson-knight commented 2 years ago

Hey, @robacarp I'm definitely interested!

lexpank commented 2 years ago

@robacarp I would be interested as well

crimson-knight commented 2 years ago

@AlexanderPankiv join us in the discord! That's the easiest way to take part