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Undocumented `passkey` and `loc` values in Device Data response #52

Open donmanguno opened 1 month ago

donmanguno commented 1 month ago

When I query my weather station data from January I am seeing two new keys in the data which weren't present before, are not present on my recent data, and are mentioned nowhere in ambientweather documentation. What do these fields represent?

        "dateutc": 1705206600000,
        "tempf": 28.4,
        "humidity": 86,
        "windspeedmph": 0,
        "windgustmph": 1.79,
        "maxdailygust": 3.58,
        "winddir": 135,
        "winddir_avg10m": 111,
        "uv": 0,
        "solarradiation": 0,
        "hourlyrainin": 0,
        "eventrainin": 0,
        "dailyrainin": 0,
        "weeklyrainin": 0.012,
        "monthlyrainin": 0.012,
        "yearlyrainin": 0.012,
        "battout": 1,
        "battrain": "1",
        "tempinf": 70.2,
        "humidityin": 39,
        "baromrelin": 30.177,
        "baromabsin": 29.3,
        "battin": 1,
        "temp8f": 32.9,
        "humidity8": 71,
        "batt8": 1,
        "feelsLike": 28.4,
        "dewPoint": 24.76,
        "feelsLike8": 32.9,
        "dewPoint8": 24.5,
        "feelsLikein": 68.8,
        "dewPointin": 44.1,
        "lastRain": "2024-01-08T19:34:00.000Z",
        "passkey": "8ac3a.....e408",
        "time": 1705190400000,
        "loc": "8ac3a2.....e408/daily/1705190400000.json",
        "date": "2024-01-14T04:30:00.000Z"