Fix potential ipv6 hang issue -. If rs_count is set to zero in nd6_input(), rs_timeout will always be zero and doesn't trigger timeout. -. Add condition to prevent hang issue
Fix IPv6 Address starting with zero -. According to RFC 5156, special IPv6 addresses with IPv4-Mapped Addresses, will use zero as the starting bytes of the address. e.g. ::FFFF:0:0/96. -. Fix LwIP_DHCP6() unable to successfully obtain IPv6 Address
Fix potential ipv6 hang issue -. If rs_count is set to zero in nd6_input(), rs_timeout will always be zero and doesn't trigger timeout. -. Add condition to prevent hang issue
Fix IPv6 Address starting with zero -. According to RFC 5156, special IPv6 addresses with IPv4-Mapped Addresses, will use zero as the starting bytes of the address. e.g. ::FFFF:0:0/96. -. Fix LwIP_DHCP6() unable to successfully obtain IPv6 Address