Weaver methodnotes
// s.options.numWireBufs_(64*16); // required for 50 instances of HilbertW (pv_brickwall implementation)
*ar, DelayN (real) & PV_brickwall (imag, size: 2048): avg 9.2%, pk 17.5%, avg fluctuates quite a bit
PDN methodnotes
// it appears the sin/cos parts are reversed or the imaginary part has its phase inverted
// magnitude response not so great at high freqs... especially the FOS version
*ar, FOS: avg 14%, pk 19.5%
*ar1, SOS: avg 11%, pk 14.7%
ar2, SOS, refactored: avg 11%, pk 14.7% (same as ar1)
Hartley methodnotes
// currently uses the DelayL version for the real part...
*ar, DelayL & Convolution2 (size: 2048) : avg 4.7%, pk 17.6%, disparity is LARGE