ambrop72 / aprinter

3D printer firmware written in C++
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Aprinter for 4xis or 5axis CNC - XYZ AB on Ard DUE #32

Open soilworkZAX opened 6 years ago

soilworkZAX commented 6 years ago

Hi guys I´m just discover the aprinter project and I don't know is there is a chance to create a 4axis or 5 axis cnc mill (no 3dprinter) with arduino DUE (arm), I just wanna knows if I can configurate to map 5 axis to digital I/O of the arduino, the Dir-Step-Enable signals. I've been reading the readme of aprinter it seem´s is capable to do this, but I do not where to start. I already worked with marlin and is not to good with high feedrates and microsteping because the 8bit AVR procesor and the firmware need's to be modified to stop or unlock the temperature controll and others printer cycles that are not need it for a cnc mill. I'm just need some guide to where to star , my need's are to create a ARM 5axis cnc controll board , capable to run g-codes and m-codes (laser-plasma,coolant), pwm control , 5 axis (step,dir enable) , limit switches. I know smoothieboard and seem's perfect but I don't need all the pinouts for extruders and hotends and all that awesome freatures for 3D printer, I'm gona use external steppers drivers and make all the circuits (mosfet for pwm, rellay's, etc) and PCB's to get this done is that why I don't want to use smoohieboard because I will no use all the freatures of the board even the integrated stepper drivers so is kind a waste ($$$) of board in this case. I´m a no navite english speaker and writer, so let me know if I don't get this self-explainned :P

ambrop72 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I hope still works, this site will let you configure firmware in GUI and will build it for you. Otherwise there are instructions in the README for how to run this tool and build locally.

Basically, start with Boards->RADDS or RAMPS-FD (these two use Arduino Due; best to click Copy and give it a new name) and tweak things especially the I/O pins. It is best to delete things you do not use to avoid pin conflicts and even things you may want to use but not in the first test.


Once you are done with the Board configuration, you create a new Configuration which references your Board. There in many places you will select one of your defined resources like stepper port, digital input, analog output etc (this is why I said the names of these are arbitrary, since you then select them from Configuration).

To get simple ability to move motors without any real coordinate system, you create one Axis for each motor, and in each Axis you add just one Stepper where you select the correct "stepper port". In each Axis choose "Is cartesian: no" and "Is extruder: no", and enter reasonable physical settings like limits, max speed and max acceleration. Most settings should be understandable from the description, if not you can try leaving the default value :)

For Coordinate transformation use "None (cartesian)" (as a starting point, depends on whether you eventually want the firmware to do kinematics).

soilworkZAX commented 6 years ago

Thank´s I'll give a try. :)