Closed mediabuff closed 9 months ago
Thank you for filing this issue!
To make sure I follow, are you suggesting something like this?
enum Scheme {
Bengali = 325,
Devanagari = 315,
Can you give a short example of how this helps interop? For example, something like cxx can generate C++ enums on our behalf, so a C++ caller could use the generated enum directly instead of passing codes.
As a separate discussion, I've been thinking about adding some basic level of ISO support, perhaps starting with:
impl Scheme {
pub fn to_iso_code(&self) -> &str { unimplemented!() }
pub fn from_iso_code(code: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Self> { unimplemented!() }
pub fn to_iso_number(&self) -> u32 { unimplemented!() }
pub fn from_iso_number(num: u32) -> Result<Self> { unimplemented!() }
But I'll stop there to avoid flooding this thread.
Thanks for your prompt response. Firstly, congratulations and a large thank you for your efforts in Ambuda project.
To make sure I follow, are you suggesting something like this?
enum Scheme { Bengali = 325, Devanagari = 315, ... }
Yes. Small correction on my request. I actually meant ICU script codes and ISO four-letter script tag and full names. I think Aksharamukha uses these 4-letter tags.
Can you give a short example of how this helps interop? For example, something like cxx can generate C++ enums on our behalf, so a C++ caller could use the generated Enum directly instead of passing codes.
Btw, I have reimplemented entire Ambuda in .Net core and Blazor (both browser and desktop client) , one day - when I get time - will try to make it open source.
Thanks for the extra details!
one day - when I get time - will try to make it open source.
Very cool! Would love to see it whenever it's ready.
I think Aksharamukha uses these 4-letter tags.
Aksharamukha uses a mix of argument handling strategies and supports language codes, language names, and its own custom format. For details, see here.
In fact, their transliteration is a rules based generic engine.
Do you mean ICU transforms? They do look very interesting!
One constraint I want to follow with vidyut-lipi is to have a very light WebAssembly build that could be used client side, ideally <100KB gzipped (but the smaller the better). So if we can find a lightweight way to either use or rewrite that system, I'm open to it. Otherwise I think it's too heavy. (vidyut-lipi avoids using rexeges for the same reason.)
With defacto ICU codes at client, I do not have to mapping layer either for codes or script names and tags.
I find this point convincing, especially since these are standard codes used across a wide ecosystem of tools.
Given that we will support for ISO/ICU codes and tags, the next item is how to do so. Here's my current view, but all of this is open for discussion:
For enum names, I am inclined to keep the names as-is:
I prefer having human-readable enum names because I find them easier to read and remember (e.g. Kannada
vs Knda
) and thus more ergonomic.
I'm also not sure how to represent cases where multiple schemes use the same script (Harvard-Kyoto vs. ISO vs. WX, or Bengali vs. Assamese, or Burmese vs. Mon).
I'm in favor of using standard names where available. I think vidyut-lipi currently does so for all names except Oriya, which we have as Odia
. I'm undecided between following an established standard vs. using the name preferred by the script community (and I believe Odia
is preferred, but I haven't checked yet).
We can support script tags with a helper function, e.g. parse_iso_tag(tag: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Self>
For enum values, I am inclined to not have default values (i.e. I want to leave the discriminant unspecified):
There isn't a clear right choice for the value type: ICU codes and ISO codes both seem like reasonable choices, which suggests that we shouldn't pick one representation as canonical.
As above, I'm not sure how to represent cases that don't have a defined ICU/ISO code (e.g. Harvard-Kyoto).
I didn't look into it deeply, but I'm not sure how manually specified discriminants would interact with non-C-style enums. For example, I want to eventually support user-defined schemes, and one design option for that is to have a Custom(String)
variant, so that Scheme
could represent an unbounded number of values.
We can support script tags with a helper function, e.g. parse_icu_code(tag: u32) -> Result<Self>
So for these reasons I'm inclined toward having helper functions on impl Scheme
. This would still give you a clean API while preserving some flexibility in the crate.
That said, this is just my perspective and I might be missing something.
This may be of interest. The header file in my ICU based transliteration for Indic scripts. I have used ICU codes where applicable and for Roman (they call it Latin!!) schemes a range above ICU starting at 2000
Attached UScript.h UScripts.h.txt
using namespace System;
namespace Indic::Lekhya::ICU::Net {
// Modelled after
public enum class UScriptCode { Common = 0, Inherited = 1, Arabic = 2, Armenian = 3,
Lao = 24,
Latin = 25,
Malayalam = 26,
NagMundari = 199,
Ucas = CanadianAboriginal,
Sindhi = Khudawadi,
Mandaean = Mandaic,
Meroitic = MeroiticHieroglyphs,
Phonetic_Pollard = Miao,
... ahom = Ahom, assamese = Latin + 2000, balinese = Balinese, bengali = Bengali, bhaiksuki = Bhaiksuki, brahmi = Brahmi, brahmi_tamil = Latin + 2001, burmese = Latin + 2002,
... warang_citi = WarangCiti, zanbazar_square = Latin + 2019, Latin_avestan = Avestan, Latin_baraha = Latin + 1000, Latin_cyrillic = Cyrillic, Latin_hk = Latin + 1001, Latin_hk_dravidian = Latin + 1002, Latin_iast = Latin + 1003, Latin_iast_iso_m = Latin + 1004, Latin_iso = Latin, Latin_iso_vedic = Latin + 1005, Latin_itrans = Latin + 1006, Latin_itrans_dravidian = Latin + 1007, Latin_itrans_lowercase = Latin + 1008, Latin_kolkata_v2 = Latin + 1009, Latin_mahajani = Mahajani, Latin_multani = Multani, Latin_optitrans = Latin + 1010, Latin_optitrans_dravidian = Latin + 1011, Latin_persian_old = Latin + 1012, Latin_slp1 = Latin + 1013, Latin_slp1_accented = Latin + 1014, Latin_titus = Latin + 1015, Latin_velthuis = Latin + 1016, Latin_wx = Latin + 1017, };
Thanks for the example!
To clarify, do the numeric values in UScriptCode
have any meaning or standard outside of ICU4N, or are they just the convention of a single program? That is, why not use script tags everywhere and ignore these numeric codes altogether?
1) The numerics have no meaning outside of ICU ecosystem. They are same across ICU c++, java and .net and other bindings. Albeit a mini/custom versions of ICU is built into all major OSs - Windows, ios etc. Their native apis might use the same code (have not tested it). I know Windows has direct binary access/ABI to their built-in ICU. Tags and names are mostly ISO.
2) Enum names (aka tags) are compile time only in c++ (unlike c# or other languages that carry runtime metadata). Thus any runtime interop in compiled languages like c++ enums are numeric. Takes bit of effort in c++ to get enum names compiled into the binary (some kind of macro expansion helper). Bit of a pain.
3) Also note the APIs public ref class UScripts abstract sealed { public: static UScriptCode scriptForCodePoint(UInt32 codePoint); static String^ scriptForCodePoint2(UInt32 codePoint); static UScriptCode GetScript(int codepoint); static String^ GetScriptName(int codepoint); static String^ GetName(UScriptCode scriptCode); static String^ GetShortName(UScriptCode scriptCode); static UScriptCode GetCodeFromName(String^ name); };
4) Dual APIs - raw numeric script codes and typed enums. Internally the enums are just cast to int. Codepoints are Unicode scalar values.
5) I also a use a bunch of integer range algorithms - for Unicode ranges - like set, union of code points
Thanks for the extra context.
Given all of this, I propose this API:
pub fn from_icu_code(code: u32) -> Result<Self> { todo!() }
pub fn to_icu_code(&self) -> Option<u32> { { todo!() }
Can you prepare a PR? To save some boilerplate, I've started off with this macro:
macro_rules! icu_codes {
($( $variant:ident => $code:literal ),* $(,)?) => {
impl Scheme {
/// Parses the given ICU `code` and returns the best match.
/// Codes are defined according to the [`UScript.cs`][codes] file in ICU4N.
/// [codes]:
pub fn from_icu_code(code: u32) -> Result<Self> {
let ret = match code {
$code => Scheme::$variant,
_ => return Err(LipiError::ParseError),
/// Converts the given scheme to its ICU code, if one exists.
pub fn to_icu_code(&self) -> Option<u32> {
let ret = match self {
Scheme::$variant => $code,
_ => return None,
Then the part for you to focus on is defining the codes:
Devanagari => 10,
// *** add others here ***
and LipiError
are from a new
use std::fmt;
/// A wrapper for `std::fmt::Result`.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, LipiError>;
/// Models the error states of `vidyut-lipi`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LipiError {
/// Could not parse an input value.
impl fmt::Display for LipiError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use LipiError::*;
match self {
ParseError => write!(f, "parse error"),
Thanks for your quick action on this. This will take some time for me as I am a newbie to Rust ( Ambuda is motivating me to learn fast). Additionally, I don't have the workflow setup with Github as a contributor let alone on a Rust project. In due course, I will certainly be a contributor.
sounds good! In that case I'll get something ready. It'll be conservative, but it's better than nothing, and we can iterate on it.
Hm, your reference file seems to be missing many scripts, including Dogra and Nandinagari. How should these be defined?
Did you look at the attachment USscript.h.txt ? It has Dogra = 178. It should be above in one of my replies.
Thanks, I saw it earlier but forgot it when diving back in. I see many of the values there are also corroborated by the ICU4X implementation here. I'll follow what ICU4X does and aim to avoid custom codes.
Sorry, two more questions:
It looks like ICU4N already supplies functions like GetCode
, GetCodeFromName
, etc. for turning an ISO 4-letter code into a numeric code. The ICU4X Rust port also has a similar function.
Are these functions not workable? I want to make sure that a separate icu
method is a meaningful addition to the methods for ISO codes that I'm working on. If these ISO methods can work instead, it's better for the API to keep the surface small.
Does your API depend on using separate codes for HK, IAST, etc.? This is not what ICU does (I think it would map these all to 25
, the code for Latin), so if you depend on this behavior, I think it's best handled at the application level (i.e. your code) and not in this library. But I'm happy to provide boilerplate so you don't have to write it yourself here.
ICUN and ICU4X can work for a subset of the scripts. The challenge is for numerous Latin/Roman schemes for Indic scripts. ICUN/ICUX assume ISO transliteration - that is the only transliteration their libs support. That is one of reasons I extended their library with my own in my c++/.net implementation
Does your API depend on using separate codes for HK, IAST, etc. Yes. For us to work with Indic-transliteration-scripts aware application. Thus I extended the ICU numeric range - albeit custom and my own ids.
I thinks it's ok not to have in the Vidyut library as long it maps the same codes for ICU recognized scripts in the core APIs
I thinks it's ok not to have in the Vidyut library as long it maps the same codes for ICU recognized scripts in the core APIs
This is implemented in the latest local build. Pushing soon.
Pushed. Scheme
now has the following methods:
fn iso_15924_code() -> &str
fn iso_15924_numeric_code() -> u16
fn icu_numeric_code() -> u16
Thanks for filing this issue! Please open a new one if these methods are insufficient.
Vidyut lipi uses custom enum type for script/scheme ids. It would be useful to change these enum values to ISO codes. This will help in interop with other langs. For Roman schemes, you could define numbers outside the range of ISO.
These codes are also used by Unicode ICU libs in c++, java and .net