Currently we need to programatically check if some keywords are present in PDFs and in which location/section they occur.
To do that, we will need to download PDFs and link them to the Zotero database.
The easiest solution for this would be to pay for extra storage at Zotero Cloud, as it would support Zotero development. We are currently checking with the University if they have institutional Zotero Storage and/or if there are funds for financing this (costs are not high, but are subscription based, and probably hard to keep going for years, etc..)
Several posts online recommend not having your zotero database stored in a cloud service such as Dropbox, GDrive, etc. As it will almost certainly lead to database corruption.
But looking in more detail, one can "split" the Zotero metadata database (the stuff they recommend not putting in a cloud service) and the PDF database/files. This post shows how to: Also it describes how to set up zotfile, a plugin that automatically renames papers using the metadata, so things are neat and organized.
Seems the solution for this issue is to use Dropbox or similar to store the PDFs and make that folder publicly available if possible (or some other cloud/server available to us).
Currently we need to programatically check if some keywords are present in PDFs and in which location/section they occur. To do that, we will need to download PDFs and link them to the Zotero database.
The easiest solution for this would be to pay for extra storage at Zotero Cloud, as it would support Zotero development. We are currently checking with the University if they have institutional Zotero Storage and/or if there are funds for financing this (costs are not high, but are subscription based, and probably hard to keep going for years, etc..)
Several posts online recommend not having your zotero database stored in a cloud service such as Dropbox, GDrive, etc. As it will almost certainly lead to database corruption.
Seems the solution for this issue is to use Dropbox or similar to store the PDFs and make that folder publicly available if possible (or some other cloud/server available to us).