amcharts / amcharts4

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formatting Pie Chart label to only show one decimal #4313

Closed JonasEriksson closed 1 year ago

JonasEriksson commented 1 year ago


I wish to display a value of 23.55% as 23.6% in the circular label around a PieChart section.

I am using Norwegian number formatting (basically, as all western European countries, this means the thousands separator is a space (or dot ( . ) ) and the decimals are separated by a "comma" ( , ) instead of a point/dot ( . ).

This is my current instruction which does not seem to work:

    numberFormat: "##,#",
    numericFields: ["valueY"]

(also tried "set(..." as well as "value" and "valueY,valueX" - that might not make sense, but I tried).

this is the code that hold the values:

// Create chart
    var chart = root.container.children.push(, {
            layout: root.verticalLayout,
            endAngle: 270,
            radius: am5.percent(85),
            innerRadius: am5.percent(70) // make it a donut

        // Set data[{
            value: 23.45,
            category: "OPEX"
            value: 3.67</cfoutput>,
            category: "CAPEX"

using TailwindCSS for CSS styling otherwise, but nothing that would affect amCharts.

Thanks for ideas! decimals-amCharts

martynasma commented 1 year ago

If this is about amCharts 5, please use appropriate repo.