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Combine Clustered and Layered column chart? #1057

Closed pmatatias closed 1 year ago

pmatatias commented 1 year ago

First of all, thanks for the awesome chart


Is it possible to combine Clustered and Layered column chart?

I know we can combine Clustered and Stacked , but I want the second series also start from zero, not like Stacked the next series will start from the end of first value.

I expect actualB and targetB are Layered like Series A


demo codepen :\

Thank in advance 😄

zeroin commented 1 year ago

Do you mean something like this?

pmatatias commented 1 year ago

Do you mean something like this? in my codepen before, targetB and actualB was separated between Series A. I want to group it like below. Is it possible?


zeroin commented 1 year ago

In this case I would set target value to the target-actual value and make target stack on actual.

pmatatias commented 1 year ago

yes, at first, I thought to use Stacked, but in some cases, the actual value is bigger than the target. which means: target-actual is negative, and the target should be rendered lower than the actual column

that's why I'm looking for a method to draw a column chart from below.

zeroin commented 1 year ago

I think the only way to achieve this would be to add another xAxis (you can make it invisible) and add two of the series to this separate x axis.

pmatatias commented 1 year ago

@zeroin Thank you for your suggestions. Maybe I'll try it later.

pmatatias commented 1 year ago

Currently, I just try to explore another method. and I end up with Grouped and Sorted Columns

after some modification, I can get this result.

Code Pen :


I'm not sure this is the best approach. I'll try your suggestion by adding another xAxis later.

again, thank you for your help. 😄