Closed mohammadhasananisi closed 1 year ago
Why would you set height on an axis and not on the panel?
// Create value axis
yAxis = mainPanel.yAxes.push(, {
renderer:, {
pan: "zoom",
inversed: false,
inside: false,
minGridDistance: 30,
labels: {
adapter:, {
getStrokeFromSprite: true,
getFillFromSprite: true,
location: 1.3,
// height: am5.percent(70),
// strictMinMaxSelection: true,
extraMin: 0.37, // adds some space for for main series
extraMax: 0,
tooltip:, {}),
extraTooltipPrecision: 1,
numberFormat: "#.##a",
logarithmic: true,
maxPrecision: 0,
position: 'relative',
// height: am5.percent(70),
this is my axis
// Create a main stock panel (chart)
mainPanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
wheelY: "zoomX",
panX: true,
panY: true,
height: am5.percent(70),
this is my panel
I have a line chart in the stock chart button. That's why I need to use height
I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what "I have a line chart in the stock chart button." means.
Would you be able to post your working chart on CodePen?
Hi, Thank you for your great library.
when i use height in the yAxis this happens
can you fix that?