amcharts / amcharts5

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Question: V5 JSON Config to hide PieChart slices label and use circles as legend marker #1689

Closed flaming-cl closed 1 week ago

flaming-cl commented 1 month ago

Question Hey, if we would like to hide the slice labels (like France:29.4%), and make the square legend to be circle legend, how to implement it with amcharts 5 JSON config?

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4 39 53 PM

Ideal effect for us:

  1. without slice label:

    Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4 45 30 PM
  2. circle legend:

    Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4 44 23 PM

Current Code
        refs: [
            data: [
                country: 'France',
                sales: 100000
                country: 'Spain',
                sales: 160000
                country: 'United Kingdom',
                sales: 80000
            series: {
              type: 'PieSeries',
              settings: {
                name: 'Series',
                valueField: 'sales',
                innerRadius: {
                  type: 'Percent',
                  value: 82
                radius: {
                  type: 'Percent',
                  value: 100
                width: {
                  type: 'Percent',
                  value: 100
                categoryField: 'country'
              properties: {
                data: '#data'
        type: 'PieChart',
        settings: {
          layout: 'horizontal'
        properties: {
          series: ['#series']
        children: [
            type: 'Label',
            settings: {
              text: '[#5a5a5a]Total Rates[/]',
              fontSize: 18,
              fontWeight: '500',
              textAlign: 'center',
              x: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 25
              y: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 20
              centerX: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 50
              paddingTop: 0,
              paddingBottom: 0
            type: 'Legend',
            settings: {
              centerX: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 50
              x: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 70
              centerY: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 50
              y: {
                type: 'Percent',
                value: 50
              layout: 'vertical',
              marker: 'circle'
            properties: {
              data: '#series.dataItems'
        parent: root.container

Environment (if applicable)

Additional context

martynasma commented 1 month ago

Here you go:
    refs: [
        data: [
            country: "France",
            sales: 100000
            country: "Spain",
            sales: 160000
            country: "United Kingdom",
            sales: 80000
        series: {
          type: "PieSeries",
          settings: {
            name: "Series",
            valueField: "sales",
            innerRadius: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 82
            radius: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 100
            width: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 100
            categoryField: "country"
          properties: {
            data: "#data",
            labels: {
              properties: {
                template: {
                  settings: {
                    forceHidden: true
            ticks: {
              properties: {
                template: {
                  settings: {
                    forceHidden: true
    type: "PieChart",
    settings: {
      layout: "horizontal"
    properties: {
      series: ["#series"]
    children: [
        type: "Label",
        settings: {
          text: "[#5a5a5a]Total Rates[/]",
          fontSize: 18,
          fontWeight: "500",
          textAlign: "center",
          x: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 25
          y: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 20
          centerX: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          paddingTop: 0,
          paddingBottom: 0
        type: "Legend",
        settings: {
          centerX: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          x: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 70
          centerY: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          y: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          layout: "vertical",
          marker: "circle"
        properties: {
          data: "#series.dataItems",
          markerRectangles: {
            properties: {
              template: {
                settings: {
                  cornerRadiusTL: 15,
                  cornerRadiusTR: 15,
                  cornerRadiusBL: 15,
                  cornerRadiusBR: 15
    parent: root.container

Updated CodePen:

Related docs:

flaming-cl commented 4 weeks ago

Wow, @martynasma thanks for the prompt response! yeah, it solves my problem. btw, a further question:

Customize legend background color and border**

Do you think it's possible to modify the legend background color and add border left like this, using JSON config?


Applying custom formatting logic to PieChart legend values

When using JSON config, how do we set custom formatting logic to PieChart legend values?

My code I tried doesn't seem to work
    .parse(pieChartJson, {
      parent: root.container
    .then(function (chart) {
      // Make stuff animate on load
      chart.appear(1000, 100)

      const legend = chart.children?._values?.find(
        c => c.className === 'Legend'
      legend.valueLabels.template.adapters.add('text', function (text, target) {
        return text + '%'
martynasma commented 4 weeks ago

For background, you will need a setup function:

properties: {
  data: "#series.dataItems",
  itemContainers: {
    properties: {
      template: {
        properties: {
          setup: function(target) {
            target.set("background",, {
              fill: am5.color(0x000000),
              fillOpacity: 0.3
  markerRectangles: {
    properties: {
      template: {
        settings: {
          cornerRadiusTL: 15,
          cornerRadiusTR: 15,
          cornerRadiusBL: 15,
          cornerRadiusBR: 15

There's no way to add a border on a single side, though.

For format, why not use in-line number formatting if all you need is to add a percent sign?

flaming-cl commented 4 weeks ago

Hey @martynasma, thanks for the suggestions!

For format, we may add %, or may add comma separator + currency symbol + format precision (e.g. USD $123,456.78). Would you let us know if in-line number formatting also suits this need? (If so, would you give a code example for that

martynasma commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, you can do so with number formatting.

Except if you want to change thousands and decimals separator symbols, you will need to do that via locale:

flaming-cl commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! Number formatting works for me.

1. Pie chart tooltip styles

btw, with JSON config, do you know how to set Pie chart tooltip styles? (e.g. make the tooltip background color to be grey and set the text color to be white?

The code below doesn't work:

      "series": {
        "type": "PieSeries",
        "settings": {
          "name": "Series",
          "categoryField": "country",
          "valueField": "sales",
          "legendLabelText": "[bold #5a5a5a]{category}[/]",
          "legendValueText": "[#5a5a5a]{value}[/]",
          "innerRadius": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 65
          "radius": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 80
          "width": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 95
          "x": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 60
          "y": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 7
          "centerX": {
            "type": "Percent",
            "value": 12
        "properties": {
          "data": "#data",
          "slices": {
            "properties": {
              "template": {
                "settings": {
                  "stroke": "white",
                  "strokeWidth": 1
          "tooltip": {
            "properties": {
              "template": {
                "settings": {
                  "fill": "#000",
                  "labelText": "[#fff]{value}[/]"

2. legend layout

Do you think it's possible to layout legends like this? (like setting a width for the whole legend section, and display flex + flex wrap)

martynasma commented 3 weeks ago

Updated CodePen:

flaming-cl commented 3 weeks ago

Updated CodePen:

Many thanks @martynasma !!! btw, except setting up legend item container stroke, do you think there is another way to set gaps/margin between the item containers, use JSON config?

Screenshot from Codepen


Expected Behavior


martynasma commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, you can use marginTop, marginRight, etc. on item container's template.

flaming-cl commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, you can use marginTop, marginRight, etc. on item container's template.

btw @martynasma, do you know what's the right way to set up legends and bullets for XY chart? Tried example from the docs for setting up bullets, but it doesn't seem to work for me

  "refs": [
      "data": [
        { "date": 1652425200000, "value": 92 },
        { "date": 1652511600000, "value": 95 },
        { "date": 1652598000000, "value": 100 },
        { "date": 1652684400000, "value": 100 },
        { "date": 1652770800000, "value": 96 },
        { "date": 1652857200000, "value": 97 },
        { "date": 1652943600000, "value": 94 },
        { "date": 1653030000000, "value": 89 },
        { "date": 1653116400000, "value": 89 },
        { "date": 1653202800000, "value": 87 },
        { "date": 1653289200000, "value": 84 },
        { "date": 1653375600000, "value": 81 },
        { "date": 1653462000000, "value": 85 },
        { "date": 1653548400000, "value": 89 },
        { "date": 1653634800000, "value": 86 },
        { "date": 1653721200000, "value": 90 },
        { "date": 1653807600000, "value": 93 },
        { "date": 1653894000000, "value": 94 },
        { "date": 1653980400000, "value": 94 },
        { "date": 1654066800000, "value": 96 }
      "xAxis": {
        "type": "DateAxis",
        "settings": {
          "maxDeviation": 0.5,
          "baseInterval": {
            "timeUnit": "day",
            "count": 1
          "renderer": {
            "type": "AxisRendererX",
            "settings": {
              "pan": "zoom"
          "tooltip": {
            "type": "Tooltip"
      "yAxis": {
        "type": "ValueAxis",
        "settings": {
          "maxDeviation": 1,
          "renderer": {
            "type": "AxisRendererY",
            "settings": {
              "pan": "zoom"
  "type": "XYChart",
  "settings": {
    "panX": false,
    "panY": false,
    "wheelX": "panX",
    "wheelY": "zoomX",
    "cursor": {
      "type": "XYCursor",
      "settings": {
        "behavior": "zoomX"
      "properties": {
        "lineY": {
          "settings": {
            "visible": false
  "properties": {
    "xAxes": ["#xAxis"],
    "yAxes": ["#yAxis"],
    "series": [
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "settings": {
          "name": "Series",
          "xAxis": "#xAxis",
          "yAxis": "#yAxis",
          "valueYField": "value",
          "valueXField": "date",
          "tooltip": {
            "type": "Tooltip",
            "settings": {
              "labelText": "{valueX}: {valueY}"
        "bullets": [
            "type": "Bullet",
            "settings": {
              "sprite": {
                "type": "Circle",
                "settings": {
                  "radius": 5,
                  "fill": {
                    "type": "Color",
                    "value": "#000"
        "properties": {
          "data": "#data"
  "children": [
      "type": "Legend",
      "settings": {
        "marginBottom": 3,
        "strokeWidth": 3,
        "textAlign": "center",
        "layout": "horizontal"
      "properties": {
        "data": "#data"
martynasma commented 3 weeks ago

bullets needs to go into series' properties.

flaming-cl commented 3 weeks ago
  "refs": [
      "data": [
        { "date": 1652425200000, "value1": 92, "value2": 32 },
        { "date": 1652511600000, "value1": 95, "value2": 45 },
        { "date": 1652598000000, "value1": 100, "value2": 20 },
        { "date": 1652684400000, "value1": 100, "value2": 100 },
        { "date": 1652770800000, "value1": 96, "value2": 69 },
        { "date": 1652857200000, "value1": 97, "value2": 90 },
        { "date": 1653894000000, "value1": 94, "value2": 64 }
      "xAxis": {
        "type": "DateAxis",
        "settings": {
          "maxDeviation": 0.5,
          "baseInterval": {
            "timeUnit": "day",
            "count": 1
          "renderer": {
            "type": "AxisRendererX",
            "settings": {
              "pan": "zoom"
          "tooltip": {
            "type": "Tooltip"
      "yAxis": {
        "type": "ValueAxis",
        "settings": {
          "maxDeviation": 1,
          "renderer": {
            "type": "AxisRendererY",
            "settings": {
              "pan": "zoom"
  "type": "XYChart",
  "settings": {
    "panX": false,
    "panY": false,
    "wheelX": "panX",
    "wheelY": "zoomX",
    "cursor": {
      "type": "XYCursor",
      "settings": {
        "behavior": "zoomX"
      "properties": {
        "lineY": {
          "settings": {
            "visible": false
  "properties": {
    "xAxes": ["#xAxis"],
    "yAxes": ["#yAxis"],
    "series": [
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "settings": {
          "name": "Series 1",
          "legendLabelText": "Series: {name}",
          "xAxis": "#xAxis",
          "yAxis": "#yAxis",
          "valueYField": "value1",
          "valueXField": "date",
          "tooltip": {
            "type": "Tooltip",
            "settings": {
              "labelText": "{value1}"
        "properties": {
          "data": "#data",
          "bullets": [
              "type": "Bullet",
              "settings": {
                "sprite": {
                  "type": "Circle",
                  "settings": {
                    "radius": 5,
                    "fill": {
                      "type": "Color",
                      "value": "#D29B00"
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "settings": {
          "name": "Series 2",
          "xAxis": "#xAxis",
          "yAxis": "#yAxis",
          "valueYField": "value2",
          "valueXField": "date",
          "legendLabelText": "Series: {name}",
          "tooltip": {
            "type": "Tooltip",
            "settings": {
              "labelText": "{value2}"
        "properties": {
          "data": "#data",
          "bullets": [
              "type": "Bullet",
              "settings": {
                "sprite": {
                  "type": "Circle",
                  "settings": {
                    "radius": 5,
                    "fill": {
                      "type": "Color",
                      "value": "#1B4B7D"
  "children": [
      "type": "Legend",
      "properties": {
        "data": "#data"

Thanks @martynasma !!

  1. btw, do you know why legend was not showing in the XY chart? (l am using the same way showing legends in PieChart
  2. Do you know how to change the line color using JSON config?
martynasma commented 3 weeks ago

XY is a different chart, let start a new issue so this does not get a mile-long garbled thread.

flaming-cl commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @martynasma, about adding grey bg color to legend, if we increase the height of the legend, the marker/text are not in the center of the legend. Do you know how to solve this?

Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 12 00 05 PM

martynasma commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have an updated CodePen?

flaming-cl commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have an updated CodePen?

Hey, most of the code is the same as this one:

The only change is added height: 40 in legend item container

    refs: [
        data: [
            country: "France",
            sales: 100000
            country: "Spain",
            sales: 160000
            country: "United Kingdom",
            sales: 80000
        series: {
          type: "PieSeries",
          settings: {
            name: "Series",
            valueField: "sales",
            innerRadius: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 82
            radius: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 100
            width: {
              type: "Percent",
              value: 100
            categoryField: "country",
            tooltip: {
              type: "Tooltip",
              settings: {
                getFillFromSprite: false,
                autoTextColor: false,
                background: {
                  type: "PointedRectangle",
                  settings: {
                    fill: {
                      type: "Color",
                      value: 0xffffff
                    fillOpacity: 1
              properties: {
                label: {
                  settings: {
                    fill: {
                      type: "Color",
                      value: 0x000000
          properties: {
            data: "#data",
            labels: {
              properties: {
                template: {
                  settings: {
                    forceHidden: true
            ticks: {
              properties: {
                template: {
                  settings: {
                    forceHidden: true
    type: "PieChart",
    settings: {
      layout: "horizontal"
    properties: {
      series: ["#series"]
    children: [
        type: "Label",
        settings: {
          text: "[#5a5a5a]Total Rates[/]",
          fontSize: 18,
          fontWeight: "500",
          textAlign: "center",
          x: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 25
          y: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 20
          centerX: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          paddingTop: 0,
          paddingBottom: 0
        type: "Legend",
        settings: {
          centerX: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          x: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 70
          centerY: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          y: {
            type: "Percent",
            value: 50
          layout: "grid",
          marker: "circle",
          width: 440
        properties: {
          data: "#series.dataItems",
          itemContainers: {
            properties: {
              template: {
                settings: {
                  width: 220,
                  height: 40
                properties: {
                  setup: function(target) {
                    target.set("background",, {
                      fill: am5.color(0x000000),
                      fillOpacity: 0.3
          markerRectangles: {
            properties: {
              template: {
                settings: {
                  cornerRadiusTL: 15,
                  cornerRadiusTR: 15,
                  cornerRadiusBL: 15,
                  cornerRadiusBR: 15
martynasma commented 1 week ago

Try minHeight instead of height:

settings: {
  width: 220,
  minHeight: 40