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How to Identify what is plotted on chart? (Company, Indicator, Compare Company) #578

Closed mukeshbadgujar closed 1 year ago

mukeshbadgujar commented 1 year ago

I am using StockChart,

I want to identify what is plotted on chart? means i have List of Indicators Control, Comparison Control, Drawing Tools etc. after they plotted on chart or panel, i can see them with am5.array.

am5.array.each(dateAxis.series, function(series) {


For Company:

t {uid: 2364, _settings: {…}, _privateSettings: {…}, _settingEvents: {…}, _privateSettingEvents: {…}, …}
{name: 'Tata Consumer Products Ltd | NSE', clustered: false, valueXField: 'DATE', valueYField: 'CLOSE', highValueYField: 'HIGH', …}
Tata Consumer Products Ltd | NSE

Note: If Series Type is Line then it gives LineSeries (which is also seen in Indicator)
For Indicator:

t {uid: 5882, _settings: {…}, _privateSettings: {…}, _settingEvents: {…}, _privateSettingEvents: {…}, …}
{valueXField: 'valueX', valueYField: 'ma', groupDataDisabled: true, calculateAggregates: true, xAxis: t, …}
For Drawing Tools:

t {uid: 1856, _settings: {…}, _privateSettings: {…}, _settingEvents: {…}, _privateSettingEvents: {…}, …}
{xAxis: t, yAxis: t, themeTags: Array(2), valueYField: 'valueY', valueXField: 'valueX', …}

with above array i got all the LineSeries, Candlesticks, and Drawing Tools etc. but i need to identify which array element is belongs to which control.

means in array- which element is company ? which element is indicator? etc.

or if there is any other way to identify, please let me know.


martynasma commented 1 year ago

You can identify drawing series by checking for "drawing" theme tag:

if (series.hasTag("drawing")) {
  // it's a drawing series

We will add the same for indicator series in the next version. Will let you know when it's released.

martynasma commented 1 year ago

Implemented in 5.2.20.

[5.2.20] - 2022-09-05




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