amco / dolly

Not an ORM for CouchDB in rails.
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Feature/type mango query #152

Closed ErickFabian closed 5 years ago

ErickFabian commented 5 years ago

Enables querys such as: query = {and: [{ type: { eq: 'user' } } , { username: { eq: 'ErickFabian'}} ]} User.where(query) => [....]


User.where({username: { "$type": "null"}})

javierg commented 5 years ago

what will User.where({username: { "$type": "null"}}) return?

ErickFabian commented 5 years ago



returns an array of objects that have nil usernames

ErickFabian commented 5 years ago

@javierg Should i validate the correct values are used for the $type operator as a better developer experience?

Valid values are "null", "boolean", "number", "string", "array", and "object".