amco / dolly

Not an ORM for CouchDB in rails.
8 stars 3 forks source link

Fix failing tests, remove some rails only code and deprecations #183

Closed javierg closed 2 years ago

javierg commented 2 years ago

Since Travis dropped support for open source projects, tests were being neglected, so they actually weren't passing, We will add this project in travis to our org in order be able to run tests. Also removed deprecations from ruby 2.7 / 3.0

javierg commented 2 years ago

Please reviewer, run tests locally before approving the code

alejandrodevs commented 2 years ago

@javierg I'm still getting an error in ruby 3.0.0 undefined method `DelegateClass' for Dolly:Module

I think that method is deprecated but we can use SimpleDelegator.

require 'delegate'

module Dolly
  class Collection < SimpleDelegator
javierg commented 2 years ago

@alejandrodevs I am still trying to setup Travis, so no test on other ruby version but the one defined in the .ruby-version file, I am gonna do a test on 3.0, but we still need to support 2.6, so will check what options are there, thanks

javierg commented 2 years ago

@alejandrodevs can you try on 3.0 too please.

alejandrodevs commented 2 years ago

@javierg Now it is working on 3.0 👏🏼