amcolash / MMM-json-feed

A MagicMirror module that displays information from any json source
MIT License
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Replace labels for values #9

Closed labomat closed 6 years ago

labomat commented 6 years ago

I want to display an external json feed I cannot alter. Data comes like this: _valuetype | "P1" value | "8.20" and is displayes like this: value: "8.20" I want to display only the value | "8.20" part but replacing the "value" string with my own string for example like this: Air quality: "8.20"

Generally spoken I need a way to replace JSON nodes with custom text - like a localisation.

Can this be done?

amcolash commented 6 years ago

At this point in time this module was for simply parsing json and outputting as needed. It is not intended to be a one stop shop for any json data. I would recommend looking into forking/modifying the codebase since it is a very straightforward thing you would like to do.

Also, look at #3 where someone else wants a very specific display and how I modified the code. If you are completely lost, let me know and if I get time I might be able to help out. I do not want to come off as being mean, but making custom json parsers for people takes time and I have other projects to work on.

Please let me know if you think modifying the code is something you would be interested in (great way to learn about js / coding) and provide a solid .json file as an example. I can definitely help provide snippets and such, but may or may not have time to help you out. Without an example though I cannot actually do anything.

amcolash commented 6 years ago

I got some time to work on this in the end this weekend. Here is some info and a bit of knowledge to let you know what I did.

All of the modifications I made were to the MMM-json-feed.js and the files.

Please do take a look at my comments I made to my code for this commit. I have added all kinds of info to it so you can learn a bit about what is going on here.

Finally, here is the relevant info on the configuration:
replaceName: Specify key names to replace in the json. This is an array of arrays [find, replace]
Example: [ ["body", "replaced body"], ["id", "replacedID"] ]

So a full config would look something like this:

  module: 'MMM-json-feed',
  position: 'bottom_bar',
  config: {
    url: ''
  replaceName: [
    [ "myThingToBeReplaced", "replacedWithThis" ],
    [ "and another", "now replaced like so..." ]

Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope that this is what you were looking for.

labomat commented 6 years ago

Will have a look at it tonight - thank you!

labomat commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately its not working for me. I have this configuratuon:

    module: 'MMM-json-feed',
    position: 'top_right',
    config: {
        url: '',
        title: 'Stickoxidwerte Balkon',
        updateInterval: '12000',
        values: [

        replaceName: [
                [ 'Timestamp:' , 'Zeit:' ],
                [ 'Value' , 'Wert']


The names are not replaced. You can see the JSON data there also - behind the api link.

amcolash commented 6 years ago

Notice from your json that the keys are named timestamp and value, NOT Timestamp and Value. Additionally, you did your curly braces incorrectly and you had a colon : character in Timestamp. Your config should look like this:

  module: 'MMM-json-feed',
  position: 'top_right',
  config: {
    url: '',
    title: 'Stickoxidwerte Balkon',
    updateInterval: '12000',
    values: [

    replaceName: [
      ['Timestamp', 'Zeit'],
      ['Value', 'Wert']

To make things easier, I made the parsing case-insensitive. Just pull in the latest and things should work.

labomat commented 6 years ago

Thanks for helping out - now it works!