amdjs / amdjs-api

Houses the Asynchronous Module Definition API
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allow for alternate strategies for resolving pre-reqs #6

Closed pmuellr closed 12 years ago

pmuellr commented 12 years ago

Not sure if there's a better place to ask this, but this repo/issues tracker seemed as good as any.

I have to admit to not having much experience playing with some of the popular AMD implementations. It's not clear from the spec how things like requirejs's config.path fit into the big picture. I guess there's some allowance in the AMD spec to allow implementations to have flexible means of resolving module references to actual modules.

I'd like to expand on this. I am currently more or less familiar with node.js's module search algorithm, which involves things like rooting through relevant node_module directories, looking for relevant package.json files, etc. I would actually like to be able to use exactly this lookup scheme in AMD.

A little more; it needs to also work with "built" AMD runtimes like almond.

I don't necessarily want to "bake this into" an AMD implementation; I would prefer it to be a pluggable strategy that I can provide to AMD before it's gears start grinding away.

Not sure how closely related this is - it might be the answer to my feature request - is to provide a hookable function like node's require.resolve() - this is the only reference I could easily find to this function. The basic idea is to allow someone else to provide the name/module lookup, presumably given the 1) module executing the require(), 2) the string value of the module being require()d.

Perhaps there's some other way of accomplishing this.

My use case here is to be able to take a directory full of js files being used in node, and be able to run them unchanged, in the same way, as node, but using AMD. I'm willing to pay a price of creating some "fake" modules for directories, package.json file contents, etc, to make this happen. And again, end of the day, and all I really care about anyway, is being able to run this with a "built" runtime like almond.

jrburke commented 12 years ago

This is being discussed in this amd-implement thread, the results can be fed back to this bug.

jrburke commented 12 years ago

Since this is a higher level question, and it is being discussed on the email list and it seems difficult to get notifications of new issues on this list, let's close this issue for now and as the above discussion thread has more concrete tasks we can create issues for them as needed.