ameboide / webcomic_reader

Webcomic Reader userscript at
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Add bulk exclude option. #3

Closed popman closed 11 years ago

popman commented 11 years ago

Sorry, keybinds on the site caused a premature submit.

Possibly add the ability to paste a bunch of excludes for sites and have it parse to not run any code on them. I know there's an option there already, but I would have to do that manually, and the only fast way i can do it now is to edit the script with each release. (which is hard since the @include list is not in any specific order (If I have some free time, I'll fix that for you) and I only want to script to run on comic aggregation sites, where my sole purpose on the site is to read >25 pages of something I haven't heard of before being referred)

I don't mean disable entirely like greasemonkey user_excludes (they don't have binds though, so it would take a while to enter all of the sites) just don't run if the site is on a saved list of excluded sites (which is maintained between updates)

ameboide commented 11 years ago

This sounds more like an enhancement for the Greasemonkey user-excludes (like Ctrl+clicking multiple includes to user-exclude them, or manually enter a list of comma separated values)

As a workaround, you can "inject" your exclusions in the script settings: