ameer1234567890 / OnlineNandroid

Nandroid Backup without Reboot
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License should be added to every Zip which are concerned by the license #13

Closed pommedeterresautee closed 11 years ago

ameer1234567890 commented 11 years ago

AFAIK, it is not a requirement to add the license file to each zip.

pommedeterresautee commented 11 years ago

It may seem stupid as you are the author, but it is a requirement of your license :-)

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
  copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
  following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
  copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
  following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
  materials provided with the distribution.

It is the same if you consider the script as a source code or a binary (I would say it the first case).

The only thing is what means distribution, does GIthub is the redistribution medium or does the Zip is the redistribution medium? If you choose the second answer, you may put the dev using your work in a position where there are not respecting your license. I know, it is very abstract...

You can also add your own provision to fix that and make things clear, like, "just mention the link XYZ to your project". You have a modified BSD license anyway, so you are free as its only author to continue to modify it.

Best solution IMO is just add the license as comment to the script, and add that partition layout don t need to be distributed with a license.


ameer1234567890 commented 11 years ago

I only consider github as the redistribution medium. Also, I am not much bothered about someone mis-using the license.