ameer1234567890 / OnlineNandroid

Nandroid Backup without Reboot
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Add support for encrypted TWRP backups #21

Closed ameer1234567890 closed 9 years ago

ameer1234567890 commented 11 years ago

TWRP 2.6+ supports encrypted backups. At the moment, I am not considering to add this functionality in Online Nandroid, due the complexity of adding such support. FYI - TWRP encrypted backups use AES encryption and is done with such tools built-into the TWRP binary. If the same is implemented in Online Nandroid, it would require separate binaries for OpenAES and any other required tools. Adding to this complexity is the fact that only part of data partition (except /data/app) is backed up.

If you would like this feature to be implemented, vote for it by replying to this issue with +1 or similar.

PS: One person one vote.

pommedeterresautee commented 11 years ago

+1 :-)

huyz commented 11 years ago

+1 I use Obackup which puts backups in the cloud, but I don't want to trust the cloud service

ameer1234567890 commented 9 years ago

Not enough votes and too many issued with TWRP encryption itself.

huyz commented 9 years ago

Right after celebrities' iCloud backup accounts get famously hacked for nude photos :)

Just teasing. No problem