amejiarosario / BrainTrainer

App to boost your speed performing calculations through training
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improve mobile experience #8

Open amejiarosario opened 12 years ago

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Firebase: A Scalable Real-Time Backend for Your Web App Firebase is an interesting new 'platform as a service' that aims to get you building apps really quickly without the hassle of managing servers. You can do things like rig up a live chat app in minutes, for example.

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Modernizing Your HTML5 Canvas Games Part 1: Hardware Scaling and CSS3 Over at MSDN, David Rousset kicks off a series on turbocharging your HTML5 Canvas-based games. In this case, he picks on Canvas scaling and using CSS3 transforms to improve transitions between scenes.

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Unleash The Power of HTML5's Canvas For Gaming A walk through some simple, yet effective, techniques for improving the performance of HTML5 Canvas apps.

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Crash Course: Design for Startups comments

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Free beautiful UI elements for developers. comments

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design A walk through building an 'adaptive Web experience' that's designed for mobile-first, using HTML5 of course ;-) As always, great content from HTML5 Rocks.

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

HTML5 Offers ‘Scoped’ CSS for Precision Styling

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

Check this out: HTML5 Game

And this

amejiarosario commented 12 years ago

mobi Ruby

MobiRuby: A Forthcoming Ruby Toolkit for Building iOS Apps