ameliatastic / seahorse-lang

Write Anchor-compatible Solana programs in Python
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Solana Playground "Seahorse Faucet" error : "A seeds constraint was violated." #111

Open FahadSalamatRandhawa opened 2 months ago

FahadSalamatRandhawa commented 2 months ago

Following the tutorials on Solana Playground. The goal is to create a contract that will send others some tokens when requested. I am following the tutorial exactly but I keep getting this error, I have tried changing stuff but no avail. init_faucet gives the error (its the only one I am trying to test right now) ----------------- Seahorse CODE ---------

from seahorse.prelude import from seahorse.pyth import


class BitcornFaucet(Account): bump: u8 owner: Pubkey mint: Pubkey last_withdraw: i64 # timestamp

@instruction def init_faucet( signer: Signer, mint: TokenMint, faucet: Empty[BitcornFaucet], faucet_account: Empty[TokenAccount]):

bump = faucet.bump()

faucet = faucet.init( payer = signer, seeds = ['mint', mint] )

faucet_account.init( payer = signer, seeds = ["token-seed", mint], mint = mint, authority = faucet, )

faucet.bump = bump = mint.key() faucet.owner = signer.key()

drips tokens based on the oracle price of BTC

@instruction def drip_bitcorn_tokens( signer: Signer, mint: TokenMint, faucet: BitcornFaucet, faucet_account: TokenAccount, user_account: TokenAccount, bitcoin_price_account: PriceAccount, clock: Clock):

timestamp: i64 = clock.unix_timestamp()

assert mint.key() ==, 'Faucet token does not match the token provided' assert timestamp - 30 > faucet.last_withdraw, 'Please try again in 30 seconds'

btc_price_feed = bitcoin_price_account.validate_price_feed('devnet-BTC/USD') btc_price = u64(btc_price_feed.get_price().price) btc_price = btc_price // 100_000_000 # converts to dollar units i.e. 4313965499999 -> 43,139

print("The Bitcorn price is ", btc_price)

thousand_bucks = 1000 * 1_000_000_000 drip_amount = u64(thousand_bucks // btc_price)

bump = faucet.bump

faucet_account.transfer( authority = faucet, to = user_account, amount = u64(drip_amount), signer = ['mint', mint, bump] )

send tokens back to replenish the faucet

@instruction def replenish_bitcorn_tokens( signer: Signer, mint: TokenMint, user_account: TokenAccount, faucet_account: TokenAccount, amount: u64):

user_account.transfer( authority = signer, to = faucet_account, amount = u64(amount) )

-----------Inputs-------- signer : 6LC1rBqxjEUnTv1iUQ46pdjQH9hNuoJsbUq6jffMfFM6 mint : HAgxZX4DKW9u7ZbvG782zhScGLLZecNCv389pBAsNj4w (token I minted) faucet : CatovpWXj4ce9QhSTD1VmmPKjyg1ysrgUBGNBg7nMBvc (random) faucetAccount : 6VwuiXxMMuMs2Vzszct433v7e7R6NvXaAmwvpjTrFLzX (random) rent : SysvarRent111111111111111111111111111111111 systemProgram : 11111111111111111111111111111111 tokenProgram : TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA

