ameliatastic / seahorse-lang

Write Anchor-compatible Solana programs in Python
Apache License 2.0
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Install seahorse-lang fails on macOS #112

Open TheFox opened 2 months ago

TheFox commented 2 months ago

Hi all,

I am getting this error when trying to install seahorse-lang under macOS:

    Updating index
  Installing seahorse-lang v0.2.7
    Updating index
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.82
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
   Compiling autocfg v1.3.0
   Compiling rand_core v0.4.2
   Compiling autocfg v0.1.8
   Compiling libc v0.2.155
   Compiling serde v1.0.202
   Compiling rand_core v0.3.1
   Compiling rand_pcg v0.1.2
error: failed to run custom build command for `proc-macro2 v1.0.82`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/var/folders/vw/20gt5mnj3bbc16jcq14zcnc40000gn/T/cargo-installM2uesB/release/build/proc-macro2-9ee9c0d7ff2c9869/build-script-build` (signal: 6, SIGABRT: process abort signal)
  --- stderr
  dyld[17648]: Symbol not found: __ZN106_$LT$core..ops..range..Range$LT$usize$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..slice..index..SliceIndex$LT$$u5b$T$u5d$$GT$$GT$13get_unchecked17h893f605ceee3b063E
    Referenced from: <no uuid> /private/var/folders/vw/20gt5mnj3bbc16jcq14zcnc40000gn/T/cargo-installM2uesB/release/build/proc-macro2-9ee9c0d7ff2c9869/build-script-build
    Expected in:     <no uuid> /private/var/folders/vw/20gt5mnj3bbc16jcq14zcnc40000gn/T/cargo-installM2uesB/release/build/proc-macro2-9ee9c0d7ff2c9869/build-script-build
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile `seahorse-lang v0.2.7`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/var/folders/vw/20gt5mnj3bbc16jcq14zcnc40000gn/T/cargo-installM2uesB`.
To reuse those artifacts with a future compilation, set the environment variable `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to that path.```

What does it mean? How can I install it?