ameliatastic / seahorse-lang

Write Anchor-compatible Solana programs in Python
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Testing failed in solana playground (Instruction index: 0; Reason: Program failed to complete.) #98

Open mondalraj opened 1 year ago

mondalraj commented 1 year ago

I am writing a smart contract with seahorse. However it successfully build and deployed, but when I run the addProduct() test, it fails It is giving me the error-

Testing 'addProduct'...
❌  Test 'addProduct' failed: 
Instruction index: 0
Reason: Program failed to complete.

Here is my smart contract -

# Built with Seahorse v0.2.4

from seahorse.prelude import *


class UserProfile(Account):
  owner: Pubkey
  name: str
  email_address: str
  phone: str
  address: str
  role: str #Supplier or Buyer
  no_of_products: u64

class Product(Account):
  # Relation with Supplier
  owner: Pubkey
  product_id: u64
  name: str
  description: str
  price: f64
  quantity: u64
  image_url: str

class Transaction(Account):
  product_id: u64
  product_owner: Pubkey
  buyer: Pubkey
  amount: f64
  created_at: str
  transaction_type: str #Ordered or Delivered

def create_user(
  owner: Signer, 
  user: Empty[UserProfile],
  name: str,
  email_address: str,
  phone: str,
  address: str,
  role: str,
  user_profile = user.init(
    payer = owner,
    seeds = ['user', owner],
  user_profile.owner = owner.key() = name
  user_profile.email_address = email_address = phone
  user_profile.address = address
  user_profile.role = role
  user_profile.no_of_products = 0

def add_product(
  owner: Signer,
  product: Empty[Product],
  user: UserProfile,
  product_id: u64,
  name: str,
  description: str,
  price: f64,
  quantity: u64,
  image_url: str,
  assert user.owner == owner.key(), 'Incorrect Owner'
  assert product_id == user.no_of_products + 1, 'Incorrect Product ID'

  product_account = product.init(
    payer = owner,
    seeds = ['product', owner, product_id],
    # space = 8 + space
  product_account.owner = owner.key()
  product_account.product_id = product_id = name
  product_account.description = description
  product_account.price = price
  product_account.quantity = quantity
  product_account.image_url = image_url

  user.no_of_products += 1

  new_product_event = NewProductEvent(product_account.owner, product_account.product_id)

### Events ###

class NewProductEvent(Event):
  owner: Pubkey
  product_id: u64

  def __init__(self, owner: Pubkey, product_id: u64):
    self.owner = owner
    self.product_id = product_id

Could you please help me out with the error. I am new to the Solana + Seahorse Ecosystem.

Thank You

acheroncrypto commented 1 year ago

Hey, it's hard to debug without seeing your input and the full program logs.

You can get the full logs if you disable "Preflight checks" and enable "Show transaction details" in Solana Playground settings(bottom-left gear icon) before you send the test transaction.