Open ghynes opened 8 years ago
It could be that your Fw is old and need to upgrade Please run the readSWVersion example and check on the serial usb if U have this version GP.S03.02.00-B002GP.B00.01.0C
if not, run the FwUpgrade example
It was using an older version of the firmware. I have updated the firmware but the problem remains :(
I did not use the AT command, which are more design for configuration. Try, instead, the downlink example. Mik sent from Mobile
I tried the downlink example just now. It kept looping waiting for sfxAntenna.hasSfxAnswer() to return true ... so the blue light stays on indefinitely.
I've tried an Akeru board in the same location and I'm able to get Sigfox messages so I don't think signal strength is a problem.
Ok, please one check more.
When U use the SmartEverything did U have the confirmation from the Back End that the message has been sent in down link?
If U goes to the "Message" Tab of the device page U use, U should see the green arrow down like those are in the picture in attach
Hi ghynes.
I tried the downlink example with one of my SmartEverything, and I faced the same issue.
I'm in contact with Telit because the chip itself return an ERROR information even if the Sigfox BackEnd shows that the message is correctly received and acknowledged.
If U change a little bit the code on the example U post at the beginning of this thread U should see the ERROR message coming from Telit Chip
char sendSigfox(const void* data, uint8_t len){ String frame = getSigfoxFrame(data, len); String status = ""; char output; SigFox.print("AT$SF="); SigFox.print(frame+",1"); SigFox.print("\r"); while (!SigFox.available());
while(SigFox.available()){ output = (char); status += output; delay(10); }
if (status == "OK\r"){ //Success :) return 0; } else if (status == "ERROR\r") { return 1; } else{ return 3; } }
I have the same problem for some time too (before & after update) I thought it was on my side, since within some situation it does not happened. Oddly enough by reloading the example of reading the FW version, I can reload my program over & over WITHOUT unplugging the USB Cable and no problem anymore. Does it happened to you when using AT command ?? @smkkHw your lib use AT command too no ?
Yes NaKro, Actully my code use the AT commad,too. This is the only way with Telit chip to have the downlik, I wrapped it on the library, but internally the AT command is sent.
I just received today the answer from Telit.
The point is that there is an internal 45 Sec. timeout, after that the chip send the ERROR message back. This could happen when the ASME is on the border of a good signal (If U see the picture I added on top of the Thread my quality is Yellow). There are 2 work around on this:
Anyway, I'm still in contact with Telit because there is one point that is not clear to me. from where I have the error on ACK, I have the 100% of succes of uplink message, and 0% of not succes in downlik, why ? the downlink is more critiacl of uplink? I will append here the answer soon I have it.
Hi !
I do believe the 45 sec Timeout is for the chip to wait for the Ack. (nominal behavior IMO). I found some documentation on that, I will post it if I found it again. I have always Green status callback on the Sigfox backend, even when i have an error(Fail to receive ACK) on the board. Indeed "it could happen when the ASME is on the border of a good signal".
Same as mine situation, always a green arrow down-link, but error on Telit chip.
This is why I'd not close the issue with Telit.
They should tell me why the down-link is so critical, I have green arrow and 100% of success on up-link, and, green arrow 0% of success in down-link.
There is a reason behind this asymmetric behavior?
Here is my problem, I can run DataModeEU example without any problem But in my code with this :
void setup()
int initFinish=1;
// Switch SigFox modem to config mode
SerialUSB.println("SFX in config mode");
sfxAntenna.setSfxConfigurationMode(); // enter in configuration Mode
do {
uint8_t answerReady = sfxAntenna.hasSfxAnswer();
if (answerReady){
switch (initFinish){
case 1:
SerialUSB.println("SFX in Data mode");
case 2:
initFinish++; // exit
} while (initFinish!=3);
SerialUSB.println("Configuration Complete");
Why adding a delay on startup before initialization of module break the board ?
Hi Alex.
First of all, the next line is based on my assumption that U change only the setup() function from the original example, and not the setup (U post only the setup.... that's why I'm assuming that) Based on this:
The point is not the delay(6000) but the fact that U remove the send of the "HELLO" string removing the following lines from the setup()
SerialUSB.println("sending Hello over the network"); // send Hello on the air sfxAntenna.sfxSendData(helloMsg, strlen((char*)helloMsg));
because the ASME does not send anything the loop will never have
bool answerReady = sfxAntenna.hasSfxAnswer();
set to true.
And and the ends no OK nor KO message will be displayed, so basically the loop() function will exit immediately continuously.
giving 6 Sec at the begin U have enough time to, at least, read the configuration enter exit strings but only those.
Strings that are not visible if U run without that delay due to the high speed of the micro compared with the human reaction, U open the Serialmonitor too late (or RU SUperman? :):):) )
Try just adding the above line at the end of the setup, and please tell me if it work (it should).
P.s. BTW, the enter in conf mode is not required, that is an old example, sooner we will exit with a new library and the example will looks like this.
char helloMsg[5]= {'H','e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}; bool messageSent;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() {
int initFinish=1;
while (!SerialUSB) {
SerialUSB.println("sending Hello over the network");
// send Hello on the air
sfxAntenna.sfxSendData(helloMsg, strlen((char*)helloMsg));
// the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() {
bool answerReady = sfxAntenna.hasSfxAnswer();
if (answerReady) {
if (sfxAntenna.getSfxMode() == sfxDataMode) {
switch (sfxAntenna.sfxDataAcknoledge()) {
SerialUSB.println("Waiting Answer");
SerialUSB.println(' ');
SerialUSB.println("Answer OK :) :) :) :)");
SerialUSB.println(' ');
SerialUSB.println("Answer KO :( :( :( :(");
Hi mike,
Too be sure of your saying I just tested with the DataModeEU example (Talis qualis) It works :)
Add delay(6000);
does not anymore :(
here is the setup function of DataModeEu modified :
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
int initFinish=1;
SerialUSB.println("SFX in Command mode");
sfxAntenna.setSfxConfigurationMode(); // enter in configuration Mode
do {
uint8_t answerReady = sfxAntenna.hasSfxAnswer();
if (answerReady){
switch (initFinish){
case 1:
SerialUSB.println("SFX in Data mode");
case 2:
initFinish++; // exit
} while (initFinish!=3);
SerialUSB.println("sending Hello over the network");
// send Hello on the air
sfxAntenna.sfxSendData(helloMsg, strlen((char*)helloMsg));
PS : indeed I just follow you example if it change in the futur, I will no longer go in configurationMode again.
PPS : The Goal for the 6 sec delay was 1st to be able to reload programs to the board as I am using Interruption timer and __WFI() sleep mode [it may block the usb commmunication]. So no I'm not Superman. :)
Why am I not doing this to get serial monitor....
while (!SerialUSB) {
Hello, I executed FWupgrade and since then the module does not communicate with sigfox. Any clue?
Hi, I have a smarteverything board and I've been creating an asset tracking application. All was going well with callbacks until I tried to create a downlink ... since then the Sigfox module has been unusable ... in particular it gets stuck when calling sigfox.available(). No amount of resetting, powering off etc. will fix it.
Below is the problem function. I was passing the following 12 byte data frame to the function "00 01 00 1d 43 35 00 00 42 b6 00 00"
Any help or tips would be gratefully accepted as the Sigfox module is currently unusable :(