amendx / vue-dndrop

:herb: A vue library for drag and drop :sparkles:
MIT License
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Draggable as an attribute? #51

Open vikingvynotking opened 2 years ago

vikingvynotking commented 2 years ago

Ok I can live with wrapping draggables inside a Container, but since I want my draggables to be custom elements, there seems no way to pass those in to Draggable itself: :tag="{value: 'my-custom-component'}" doesn't work since MyCustomComponent is not registered within Draggable. So as a work-around, would it be possible to add Draggable as an attribute? Then I could do the following:

<Container ...>
<my-custom-element :draggable="true" v-for="item in dataset" .../>

That would make this library work for my use case and set it above all the other libraries out there that have the same limitation.

FalkoJoseph commented 2 years ago

This would be very much appreciated! Looking for the same solution.

soufianekhait commented 9 months ago

Any news about this request?