amenzhinsky / iothub

Azure IoT Hub SDK for Golang
MIT License
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Added functionality for a module connection on an edge device #19

Closed chrishayles closed 4 years ago

chrishayles commented 4 years ago

Added functionality for a module connection on an edge device.

NB: There was previously an issue with parsing x509 certs returned by iotedge. As of iotedge RC5 this has been fixed.

amenzhinsky commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the contribution. I see a lot of code duplication between iotmodule and iotdevice can we try to avoid it say by embedding iotdevice.Client into iotmodule.Client and add/override necessary methods?

chrishayles commented 4 years ago

@amenzhinsky Good call. Let me see what I can do.

chrishayles commented 4 years ago

@amenzhinsky Thanks for the feedback. Please review changes on latest commit. This should address the above issues.

amenzhinsky commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the PR, everything is looking great, I would like to make a few minor updates the code, but I'll make them a bit later.

I'd also appreciate you adding a test that covers this module here if you have some time.