amenzhinsky / iothub

Azure IoT Hub SDK for Golang
MIT License
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fix: update rootCa certs #36

Closed lohmanndouglas closed 3 years ago

lohmanndouglas commented 3 years ago

Microsoft has recently updated the certificates polices as we can see here

diegosz commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried this fix for subscribing to iotservice events, but failed to with the same error "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority".

It seems that at least the endpoint that I'm using with iothub is not signed with "Microsoft RSA TLS CA 01" intermediary.

It's signed with "Microsoft RSA TLS CA 02" instead.

It would be nice to add that chain too, but I was not able to find it yet :-P

amenzhinsky commented 3 years ago

@lohmanndouglas thanks for the heads up, I've merged @diegosz PR that should fix the issue.

I'll create a release soon.