american-art / AAT-Term-Mappings

This repository contains .XLS files of partner mapped Classification and Role terms. Partners extracted distinct object Classification terms and constituent Role terms and found AAT term equivalents.
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NPG Classifications #11

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 7 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 years ago
VladimirAlexiev commented 7 years ago
kateblanch commented 7 years ago


si-npg commented 7 years ago

NPG is in the process of doing away with "Bound Object" as a classification. Many of those objects will indeed be reclassified as books. For "Decorative Arts" objects, we use term attributes to identify the more specific classification. The data is available in the NPGObjThesTerms2 table--any way that can be used for classification in those cases?

kateblanch commented 7 years ago

Classification values will appear in 2 places. The first place is on the object level, so in a data file where Classification term value (e.g. "Decorative Objects") is paired with Object ID ("12345").

The second place is on this distinct list of Classification terms (a "look up list" so to speak) where each of us took the list of classification terms and mapped them to AAT. If you change the term value on your object record, it will simply correspond to that value on the AAT spreadsheet.

Make sure that the AAT spreadsheet has all you Classification terms and that the mapping is to the correct AAT ID (that's what Vladimir is helping with).

We cannot mix Attributes in with Classification. The purpose of Classification, though broad, is that it is data shared by every partner (every partner has a Classification field). It's a way to unite the data sets even if at a high level.

I hope that helps clarify how to proceed!

kateblanch commented 7 years ago

Just an observation for @VladimirAlexiev, the Note accompanying the original Decorative Arts term in discussion here ( really does imply it's a class of objects and not an activity. Maybe it could be clarified. I understand it's within the Activities facet, so I understand the comments.

Here's the note, referring to objects and not their creation event :)

Note: Refers to works that are primarily utilitarian in form or function, but that have aesthetic value provided by the design, decoration, or embellishment. They may include ceramics, furniture, textiles, glass, leather, metalwork, arms and armor, clocks, and jewelry, and other household or utilitarian objects.

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 years ago

@si-npg: I think NPGObjThesTerms2 includes very useful concepts that should:

  1. Be mapped as data by USC ISI:
  2. Be mapped to AAT by NPG:

@kateblanch: You are right about the SN. I think Patricia will be rewording it, as she created a new concept 300411641 "Genre including ...".