Closed PhilT closed 8 months ago
Hi, I've tried in HelloWorld and no issue happens, can you reproduce a test case?
Thanks for checking. My example is in F# so perhaps that's the issue. I've tried to reduce it to the minimum possible:
#r "nuget: JoltPhysicsSharp, 2.3.1"
open JoltPhysicsSharp
open System.Numerics
module Layers =
let NON_MOVING = ObjectLayer(0us)
let MOVING = ObjectLayer(1us)
module BroadPhaseLayers =
let NON_MOVING = BroadPhaseLayer(byte 0)
let MOVING = BroadPhaseLayer(byte 1)
let createBox (dimensions: Vector3) =
let mutable size = dimensions
new BoxShape(&size)
if not (Foundation.Init(0u, false)) then (failwith "Unable to start JoltPhysicSharp")
let pairFilterTable = new ObjectLayerPairFilterTable(2u)
pairFilterTable.EnableCollision(Layers.NON_MOVING, Layers.MOVING)
pairFilterTable.EnableCollision(Layers.MOVING, Layers.NON_MOVING)
let broadPhaseTable = new BroadPhaseLayerInterfaceTable(2u, 2u)
broadPhaseTable.MapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer(Layers.NON_MOVING, BroadPhaseLayers.NON_MOVING)
broadPhaseTable.MapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer(Layers.MOVING, BroadPhaseLayers.MOVING)
let settings = PhysicsSystemSettings(
ObjectLayerPairFilter = pairFilterTable,
BroadPhaseLayerInterface = broadPhaseTable,
ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter = new ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterTable(broadPhaseTable, 2u, pairFilterTable, 2u)
let physicsSystem = new PhysicsSystem(settings)
let floorShape = createBox (Vector3(1000f, 1f, 1000f))
let cubeShape = createBox (Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f))
let bodyInterface = physicsSystem.BodyInterface
let mutable position = Vector3.Zero
let mutable rotation = Quaternion.Identity
let floorSettings = new BodyCreationSettings(floorShape, &position, &rotation, MotionType.Static, Layers.NON_MOVING)
let floorId = bodyInterface.CreateAndAddBody(floorSettings, Activation.DontActivate)
let createCube x =
let mutable pos = Vector3(x, 200f, 1f)
let mutable cubeRotation = Quaternion.Identity
let cubeSettings = new BodyCreationSettings(cubeShape, &pos, &cubeRotation, MotionType.Dynamic, Layers.MOVING)
let body = bodyInterface.CreateBody(cubeSettings)
bodyInterface.AddBody(&body, Activation.Activate)
let deltaTime = 1f / 60f
let mutable cubeId = createCube 10f
let rec loop () =
let error = physicsSystem.Step(deltaTime, 1)
assert (error = PhysicsUpdateError.None)
if bodyInterface.IsActive(&cubeId) then
printfn "Cube ID: %A" cubeId
let position = bodyInterface.GetWorldTransform(&cubeId).Translation
printfn "Position: %A" position
loop ()
loop ()
Can be run with dotnet fsi script.fsx
Cube ID: 16777217
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at JoltPhysicsSharp.BodyInterface.GetWorldTransform(BodyID& bodyID) in /_/src/JoltPhysicsSharp/BodyInterface.cs:line 244
at FSI_0002.loop() in /data/code/matter/src/spikes/jolt_physics.fsx:line 65
at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002.main@() in /data/code/matter/src/spikes/jolt_physics.fsx:line 70
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Void** arguments, Signature sig, Boolean isConstructor)
at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
Stopped due to error
Changing let position = bodyInterface.GetWorldTransform(&cubeId).Translation
to let position = bodyInterface.GetPosition(&cubeId)
and it works fine.
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.99728393554688, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.99183654785156, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.98367309570312, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.97279357910156, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.95919799804688, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.94290161132812, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.92388916015625, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Position: Double3 { X = 10, Y = 199.9021759033203, Z = 1 }
Cube ID: 16777217
Any ideas?
I found the issue, just grab the new 2.3.3
release and tell me if it works please.
That's working. Thank you so much.
I see it's now returning an RMatrix, the double float version right.
Not sure if this is a JoltC, Jolt C# or my own issue but calling
with a validbodyID
causes a NullReference exception. I can call other methods such asGetRotation
and they work correctly. If it should work let me know and I'll post an example but it's not much different to the HelloWorld example just usingGetWorldTransform