amerkurev / doku

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Nginx Reverse Proxy Configuration #13

Open baba-dev opened 1 year ago

baba-dev commented 1 year ago

Hey, Can you shine some light as how we can reverse proxy doku running on docker via nginx (on a subpath, i.e /doku) I have tried the below config but it resolves to 404 :

location /doku { proxy_bind $server_addr; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /dockerdisk; }

Results in not all files being loaded :


Thanks in advance !

phanirithvij commented 1 year ago

I've been trying make doku work in Caddy reverse_proxy under a base path /doku but not sure how to proceed either. I guess a subdomain is the way to go for now.

As per this post by a caddy forum moderator it is best to use a subdomain if the service doesn't allow changing the base_url.

cvc90 commented 1 year ago

Did you find any solution to be able to use subpath with nginx? I have the same problem and it can't be used via https either.

Hey, Can you shine some light as how we can reverse proxy doku running on docker via nginx (on a subpath, i.e /doku) I have tried the below config but it resolves to 404 :

location /doku { proxy_bind $server_addr; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /dockerdisk; }

Results in not all files being loaded :


Thanks in advance !