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Panic: Tried to fetch data, but it was already borrowed #660

Closed almindor closed 1 year ago

almindor commented 4 years ago


I'm getting a runtime panic with: Tried to fetch data, but it was already borrowed


Rust version: 1.39.0 Specs version / commit: 0.15.1 Operating system: Arch Linux


Steps to reproduce the behavior: Issue seems to only happen if I call dispatch on two different Dispatchers under specific conditions when in between I modify a resource inside a separate code block.

I suspect this forces the mut reference to that resource to be dropped but somehow the second dispatcher run panics with this error.

Execution quasi-example:

    let mut state = world.fetch_mut::<State>();

let mut state = world.fetch_mut::<State>(); // expecting a modified state from dispatcher1 run
dispatcher2.dispatch(&world); // panics within here

Expected behavior

Both dispatchers should've executed fine.


thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Tried to fetch data, but it was already borrowed.
You can get the type name of the incorrectly borrowed data by enabling `shred`'s `nightly` feature.', .cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
   0: backtrace::backtrace::libunwind::trace
             at /cargo/registry/src/
   1: backtrace::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized
             at /cargo/registry/src/
   2: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
   3: <std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::DisplayBacktrace as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
   4: core::fmt::write
             at src/libcore/fmt/
   5: std::io::Write::write_fmt
             at src/libstd/io/
   6: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
   7: std::sys_common::backtrace::print
             at src/libstd/sys_common/
   8: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
             at src/libstd/
   9: std::panicking::default_hook
             at src/libstd/
  10: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
             at src/libstd/
  11: std::panicking::continue_panic_fmt
             at src/libstd/
  12: std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt
             at src/libstd/
  13: shred::cell::TrustCell<T>::borrow_mut::{{closure}}
             at /.../.cargo/registry/src/<::std::macros::panic macros>:9
  14: core::result::Result<T,E>::unwrap_or_else
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/
  15: shred::cell::TrustCell<T>::borrow_mut
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  16: shred::world::World::try_fetch_mut::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  17: core::option::Option<T>::map
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/
  18: shred::world::World::try_fetch_mut
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  19: shred::world::World::fetch_mut
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  20: <shred::world::data::Write<T,F> as shred::system::SystemData>::fetch
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  21: shred::system::impl_data::<impl shred::system::SystemData for (A, B, C, D, E)>::fetch
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  22: <T as shred::system::DynamicSystemData>::fetch
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  23: <T as shred::system::RunNow>::run_now
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  24: shred::dispatch::stage::Stage::execute::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  25: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnMut<A> for &F>::call_mut
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/ops/
  26: core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::for_each::call::{{closure}}
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/iter/traits/
  27: <core::slice::IterMut<T> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::fold
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/slice/
  28: core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::for_each
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libcore/iter/traits/
  29: <rayon::iter::for_each::ForEachConsumer<F> as rayon::iter::plumbing::Folder<T>>::consume_iter
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  30: rayon::iter::plumbing::Producer::fold_with
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  31: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer::helper
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  32: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer::helper::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  33: rayon_core::join::join_context::call_a::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  34: <std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  35: std::panicking::try::do_call
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  36: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
             at src/libpanic_unwind/
  37: std::panicking::try
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  38: std::panic::catch_unwind
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  39: rayon_core::unwind::halt_unwinding
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  40: rayon_core::join::join_context::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  41: rayon_core::registry::in_worker
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  42: rayon_core::join::join_context
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  43: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer::helper
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  44: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  45: <rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge::Callback<C> as rayon::iter::plumbing::ProducerCallback<I>>::callback
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  46: <rayon::slice::IterMut<T> as rayon::iter::IndexedParallelIterator>::with_producer
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  47: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  48: <rayon::slice::IterMut<T> as rayon::iter::ParallelIterator>::drive_unindexed
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  49: rayon::iter::for_each::for_each
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  50: rayon::iter::ParallelIterator::for_each
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  51: shred::dispatch::stage::Stage::execute
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  52: shred::dispatch::dispatcher::Dispatcher::dispatch_par::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  53: rayon_core::thread_pool::ThreadPool::install::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  54: rayon_core::registry::Registry::in_worker_cold::{{closure}}::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  55: <rayon_core::job::StackJob<L,F,R> as rayon_core::job::Job>::execute::call::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  56: <std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  57: std::panicking::try::do_call
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  58: __rust_maybe_catch_panic
             at src/libpanic_unwind/
  59: std::panicking::try
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  60: std::panic::catch_unwind
             at /rustc/4560ea788cb760f0a34127156c78e2552949f734/src/libstd/
  61: rayon_core::unwind::halt_unwinding
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  62: <rayon_core::job::StackJob<L,F,R> as rayon_core::job::Job>::execute
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  63: rayon_core::job::JobRef::execute
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  64: rayon_core::registry::WorkerThread::execute
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  65: rayon_core::registry::WorkerThread::wait_until_cold
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  66: rayon_core::registry::WorkerThread::wait_until
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  67: rayon_core::registry::main_loop
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  68: rayon_core::registry::ThreadBuilder::run
             at .cargo/registry/src/
  69: <rayon_core::registry::DefaultSpawn as rayon_core::registry::ThreadSpawn>::spawn::{{closure}}
             at .cargo/registry/src/
azriel91 commented 4 years ago

Hiya, sorry for the late reply, but in the snippet, I suspect dispatcher2 contains a system that is accessing State mutably:

let mut state = world.fetch_mut::<State>(); // Get hold of a `Write<'_, State>`
dispatcher2.dispatch(&world); // Trying to get another `Write'_, State>` causes the panic.

If you do this instead, it should work:

    let mut state = world.fetch_mut::<State>(); // Get hold of a `Write<'_, State>`

    // drop the `Write<'_, State>`
dispatcher2.dispatch(&world); // Now you can get a `Write'_, State>` without panicking

A potential improvement is to allow multiple Write's to be held, but only panic if both are dereferenced together. I haven't gotten familiar with the code to implement that yet.

Imberflur commented 1 year ago

A potential improvement is to allow multiple Write's to be held, but only panic if both are dereferenced together. I haven't gotten familiar with the code to implement that yet.

This would require being able to obtain a guard type from the Write that then dereferences to the actual value. Then it could be made to panic if the guard already exists when another guard is created. (there is no way to leverage dereferencing alone to detect conflicts since we can't detect when the reference stops being used) (right now Write basically acts as that guard so this would be adding another layer of types to defer the borrow that is currently held by Write).

I think doing this by default everywhere would, introduce additional complexity from the user's view point of view in that they now need to call a method to get the guard instance before that will dereference into the inner type.

Potentially, we could introduce an optional LazyWrite<'a, T> type that then has a method to get a Write<'a, T> (i.e. Write acts as the guard). However, I don't currently have any use case in mind where this would be useful and worth the complexity. If you have a compelling use case for such a feature, feel free to open an issue to discuss!