amhsrobotics4681 / 2020-First-Rise

File Repoitory for 2020 First Robotics 4681 Team
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Different Objects To Explain #11

Open sprice134 opened 4 years ago

sprice134 commented 4 years ago

Victors PWMVictorSPX Talons AnalogInput Infrared light sensor Digital Input Switches Digital Inputs Lidar Compressor Solenoid Joysticks Cameras Limelight Driving (Tank, Arcade (both versions), mecanum) SmartDashboard Auto (sendable chooser with different strategies) Using driver station game data Servo Motors

sprice134 commented 4 years ago

Ultrasonic Gyro Programming methods PID Loops (or more accurately lack thereof) classes of each individual thing and instances in the main code