ami-iit / matlab-whole-body-simulator

A robot simulator running on simulink
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Improve whole-body and contacts simulator core execution speed #5

Closed nunoguedelha closed 3 years ago

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Currently in the worst case the simulation takes 15 sec for 1 sec (Real Time factor = 1/15 = 0.06). The identified bottleneck is the library RobotDynamicsWithContacts.

Identified Reasons

The usage of bindings was initially motivated by the fact that it allows more effcient design of complex algorithms.

Fixed by #15.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Proposed solution

We cannot replace the bindings by Simulink function calls combined with Simulink WBT blocks in a one-to-one mapping basis, mostly for the following reasons:

RobotDynamicsWithContacts design aspects to consider

From the RobotDynamicsWithContacts code analysis we identified the following aspects to take in account in the substitution.

So we just need to use a Configuration WBT block in order to handle the robot model loading, and create new blocks, if needed, for replacing the used bindings within KinDynComputations.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Implementation steps

So the following steps are:

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

CC @CarlottaSartore @Giulero

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

WIP: List all the called iDynTree bindings methods

List all the called iDynTree bindings methods, either directly called through the iDynTree object, either called through the iDynTree::KinDynComputations object.

method Existing To Be implemented Step
iDynTree.ModelLoader x (*) 1
iDynTree.ModelLoader.model x (*) 1
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.setRobotState x (*) 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.getFrameIndex x (**) 4
iDynTree.FreeFloatingGeneralizedTorques InverseDynamics 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.getFreeFloatingMassMatrix MassMatrix 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.generalizedBiasForces GetBiasForces 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.getFrameFreeFloatingJacobian Jacobian 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.getFrameBiasAcc DotJNu 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.getWorldTransform ForwardKinematics 4
iDynTree.KinDynComputations.setFloatingBase x (***) 5

(*) Initialized in the library through the loadReducedModel function call:

KinDynModel.kinDynComp = iDynTree.KinDynComputations();

... it is used for computing the floating base system state, dynamics, and kinematics. The model loading and initialization of the WBT shared KinDynComputations object (singleton) is actually done by any WBT block present in the system. In such case, KinDynModel.BASE_LINK is the base of the tree induced by the URDF loaded in iDynTree.

(**) Can be avoided by using directly the frame name (string) as a block parameter if this parameter is set once at initialization

(***) Not required for now as the computed default floating frame is the correct one (base/root link of the URDF model tree).

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago
nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Now Fixing compilation & run-time errors. Fixed so far:

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Fixed other size mismatch errors by:

The Simulator now compiles and runs, with the following behavior:

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Issue Analysis: Robot not moving through the whole simulation

For debugging the issue, we set the initial robot base pose to a significant height (e.g. 10m), in order to check a simple scenario, without link/ground impacts:

initialConditions.base_position = [0; 0; 10.65];

As the Matlab System block is now compiled with code generation, the usual MATLAB breakpoint workflow is not available, so we use the MATLAB display command to log critical computed variables. This way, we compare the dynamic quantities computed in step_block.stepImpl between the current version and the devel branch.

The target quantities are the outputs of obj.contacts.compute_contact() and obj.robot.forward_dynamics(). As expected, we observe significant differences on the obj.robot.forward_dynamics() outputs: base_pose_ddot, s_ddot, and more precisely, the computation of the bias forces h = obj.get_bias_forces(). The faulty code is computing h as all zeros instead of the proper values.

Side Note

The expected bias forces are (first 3 components):


Which result in the base linear acceleration: [0 0 -9.81].

There is probably an issue with the WBT GetBiasForces block configuration.

Looking now closer at the problem...

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Issue Analysis: Robot not moving through the whole simulation

There is probably an issue with the WBT GetBiasForces block configuration.

Looking now closer at the problem...

Just found the bug. Because of a double definition, the passed gravity vector was [0 0 0 0 -9.81] instead of [0 0 -9.81], so the resulting gravity value was null as only the first 3 passed components are considered valid.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Implemented in, with the fixes described above.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Issue: When hitting the round, the visualizer crashes due to singular matrix computation


The issue is actually caused by the fact that the robot right foot sinks in the ground (contact failure), creating very high reaction forces causing the simulation to diverge.

Looking now for the root cause of the foot contact failure. Check:

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Looking now for the root cause of the foot contact failure. Check:

  • Contact points before and after impact in compute_contact_points()

Fixed in of

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Issue: WIP - Only one of the feet is staying "above the ground"

After the robot sinks in the ground, only the vertices of the right foot stay on the ground, the other foot sinks far under the ground level.

our branch devel branch
image image

This is probably related, again, with the contact mapping/index computations and velocities corrections. We'll check:

Wrong Forces Computation

We checked the mapping of the contact points (vertices that were, and/or are in contact, respective built jacobians, etc) and it is working properly. The contacts are detected properly, as well as the impact detection (when a vertex was not in contact and now is), but the respective computed forces are always 0. Typically, after dropping iCub from 1m high, the first computed set of linear forces at the vertices impacting the ground should give:

forces =

but give all zeros (values < 10e-7) instead, this is why the feet sink into the ground after impact and although the first velocity correction is done properly at impact. After impact, the feet stay in contact, there is no new contact detected, and the simulation behavior depends solely on the ground reaction forces computation, output of the QR problem solver. The QR processing constraints include the equality constraints Aeq x = 0 which make sure that the reaction forces are null if the foot is not in contact. We observe in the logs that

So next check to do is the Aeq computation in compute_unilateral_linear_contact().

Aeq computation

The computation itself is correct. But another problem arises when multiple vertices are in contact:

For avoiding this issue, we use directly the lower/upper bounds inputs for the solver problem variable. The constraint F=0 is set using the "lb=ub=0" inputs, while an unconstrained F is obtained by setting "lb=-inf, ub=inf".

This could have been obtained also by having Aeq=Identity and changing dynamically beq between 0 and inf the same way as lb, ub.

Fixed in of the ongoing pull request.

CarlottaSartore commented 3 years ago

C.C. @VenusPasandi

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Last issue fixed in of the ongoing pull request.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Execution speed analysis using the Simulink profiler:

Actually, the last bottleneck slowing down the simulation was the visualizer, as we'll show in the following analysis. We illustrate below the blocks we will focus on in the execution profiler...

The Robot visualizer/MATLAB System and 9 Simulink functions:


The Robot visualizer/MATLAB System in the Robot visualizer subsystem:


Profile with the visualizer on

We obtained the following profile for a total simulated time of 1s:


Final simulation state:


The step time used for the visualizer (confVisualizer.tStep) is 40ms, the total simulation time 1s.

As we can see in the profile report, it took ~48s for simulating 1s, so a rate of 1/48. The time shares for the blocks RobotDynWithContacts/MATLAB_System, Robot visualizer/MATLAB_System, RobotDynWithContacts/Simulink_Function8 are:

Block Time share
test_matlab_system_19 run time 69.2 %
Robot visualizer/MATLAB System 49.6 %
RobotDynWithContacts/MATLAB System 18.5 %
RobotDynWithContacts/Simulink Function8 (QP) 2.0 %

The time share for the other Simulink functions (Function, Function1, Funciton2, ... Function7) is comparable to the QP function. The individual share of the QP is negligible w.r.t. the Robot visualizer/MATLAB System.

Profile with the visualizer off (commented)


The simulation to real time rate is now 1/15, so the simulation is 3x faster. If we don't count the compile time, we get a ~1/7 rate.

We can achieve the same performance with the visualizer if we treat it as an atomic unit and use a sample time of 40ms instead of 1ms, and treat it as an atomic unit the fake controller block as well, with a sample time of 1ms. This last detail is important as the sample time used by the RobotDynWithContacts block is inherited.

We didn't observe significant improvement by treating the RobotDynWithContacts as an atomic unit. So we can conclude it is not necessary at this point. It can be done separately anyway in any model sub-system including this library, by treating the sub-system as atomic unit.

traversaro commented 3 years ago

Actually, the last bottleneck slowing down the simulation was the visualizer, as we'll show in the following analysis.

Related PR: .

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

Indeed, with a faster visualizer we could increase the display frequency and get a smoother motion in the visualizer.

nunoguedelha commented 3 years ago

The MATLAB visualizer improvement will be dealt with in

The other improvements have been implemented in Closing this issue.