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mkvtoolnix section #411

Open ablwr opened 4 years ago

ablwr commented 4 years ago

Something that came up during the most recent No Time To Wait conference was that it'd be useful to add a section of recipes for mkvtoolnix.

I support this idea. I would be interested to hear from others what commands they semi-regularly use or find useful, and we can implement them in a section ala imagemagick and flack.

CC: @bturkus

retokromer commented 4 years ago

That’s certainly useful. We actually work often with MKVToolNix.

kieranjol commented 4 years ago

Yeah, specifying colour properties is useful and also inserting chapter markers. Extracting attachments is also a bit awkward to figure out so having a handy recipe here could be useful for rawcooked users.

bturkus commented 4 years ago

Yeah love all that. I’ve found mkvinfo (or mkvmerge -i; can’t remember!) an impt piece of this; you need to get correct track/attachment numbers before doing anything else.

My inability to remember these commands proves the need for this. Great idea Ashley!

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On Dec 7, 2019, at 10:13 AM, kieranjol wrote:

Yeah, specifying colour properties is useful and also inserting chapter markers. Extracting attachments is also a bit awkward to figure out so having a handy recipe here could be useful for rawcooked users. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

ablwr commented 4 years ago

Thank Stephen McConnachie!

kieranjol commented 4 years ago

Yeah,these commands are difficult to remember for sure. I always have to look them up each time.

kfrn commented 4 years ago

Good idea!