amiaopensource / vrecord

Vrecord is open-source software for capturing a video signal and turning it into a digital file.
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all packages are deleted while closing terminal and open it again #772

Open a7med12h opened 10 months ago

a7med12h commented 10 months ago

hey , I installed all packages and installed vrecord and worked perfectly . but when ever I restart my PC I could not run Vrecord any more and it shows a massage that CMD not found. when also triewd to type "brew" to install vrcord again. it gave that command not found. so, I did all setup again and I installed evry thins. and this time I just close the terminal and open it again and all packages are deleted. when I checked the packages installed I found all there excpet Homebrew . it seems not installed correctly

my system is ubunto latest one . ubunto run is main operatin system .

retokromer commented 10 months ago

Where did you install the software?

a7med12h commented 10 months ago

since 6 ,months

retokromer commented 10 months ago

since 6 ,months

I asked where, not when. In fact, it looks like you have installed on a temporary storage rather than on your local HDD or SSD.

To me it seems to be the same issue than

a7med12h commented 10 months ago

i installed from Ubunto website , thank for ur reply

I just fixed the issue with my colluege after many hours and I will make it here so any will know , might some one need it .

type in terminal " gedit .bashrc " and there is a file will open : go for new line and type " export PATH=$PATH:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/ " save it

thats it . brew location file was not in this file so thats why when ever I call it it said command not found

a7med12h commented 10 months ago

the path for brew u have to put it after $ path .... u just need to type " whereis brew " to find the path

retokromer commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the information.

This is strange, because the instructions how to “add linuxbrew to path” at Install Homebrew should do exactly that.