amiaopensource / vrecord

Vrecord is open-source software for capturing a video signal and turning it into a digital file.
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Out of Sync Captures #794

Open lavidtech-1 opened 3 months ago

lavidtech-1 commented 3 months ago

Hi All,

Apologies for the vagueness of this issue, but we've been seeing a few tapes here and there that after completing capture, don't specify any issues, but the captures are out of sync.

They begin with sync and slowly drift out of sync. This isn't widespread, but I would say out of every say, 100 - 200 tapes, we have 1 that becomes out of sync.

We've seen it happen more often with Digibeta tapes with 4 channels of audio, but today I had a VHS tape become out of sync, when the tape clearly is in sync.

Any thoughts on what we may be experiencing?

For further context, we are capturing over a gigabit network to a 12-bay Synology with a 20Gbe connection and set in RAID5 for reliability.

Thanks to anyone who might have experienced the same and is aware of a solution.

dericed commented 3 months ago

Hi @lavidtech-1, sorry for the late response. I really haven't seen much out of sync results from vrecord. Could you share some logs from an out of sync capture? Or a resulting file, I'm curious if there's a way that we could detect this issue and warn when it happens or prevent it.

lavidtech-1 commented 3 months ago

Hi @dericed,

Thanks for the response. I'm sure you guys are very busy.

It happens so infrequently, I don't have any examples at the moment. When one occurs, I'll set it aside and update you.

