amices / mice

Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Error in : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double' #208

Closed stefvanbuuren closed 4 years ago

stefvanbuuren commented 4 years ago

The following example was kindly contributed by Leonhard Bakker. It shows that mice 3.6.0 does not work with nested data frames, for example, as created by tibble::add_column().

Error description

When using the mice() function, the error

Error in : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'

was returned. The error originated from a coding error. A function returned a variable as a data.frame, which was added to the dataset using the tibble::add_column() function. The dataset now comprised a variable with the class data.frame, which resulted in the error message.

Generate the data

This error was replicated using the mice::nhanes2 dataset. The chl variable is dropped first from the test dataset and subsequently the chl variable is added as a data.frame using the tibble::add_column() function.


nhanesTest <- mice::nhanes2

testVar <-
      mice::nhanes2 %>%

nhanesTest <- nhanesTest %>%
  select(-chl) %>%


Replicate the error

stefvanbuuren commented 4 years ago

To do: mice should detect this case, and generate a proper error.

stefvanbuuren commented 4 years ago

After commit ee3ac80 we now have

Error in check.dataform(data) : 
  Cannot handle columns with class data.frame: testVar

For now this solves the cryptic error message.

For the future, it would be interesting to extend mice to handle this case, for example, using the blocks feature.