amidaware / rmmagent

Tactical RMM Agent
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Feature: Software inventory to also include user context #49

Open bbrendon opened 7 months ago

bbrendon commented 7 months ago

I think there is an upstream feature request for the go package on this. I researched it a few weeks ago and just brushed it off but last night I found WaveBrowser.

Maybe you can put pressure on them? I found WaveBrowser installed. I would have found it months or years ago if users were included.

EDIT. Is this it?

btrfs-d commented 7 months ago

+1 - An ideal implementation of this could look like another sub-tab under Software, like "System-wide" "User1" "User2" etc

Or a list in the Software tab like

Software System-wide: App1 App2 App3 User1: App4 App5 User2: App6 App7

so on

bbrendon commented 7 months ago

Honestly I would prefer it all dumped in one list because separating it out would make using the API to find junk software more complicated.

btrfs-d commented 7 months ago

Sure, the exact implementation doesn't specifically matter as long as the capability is there. I would love some kind of label somewhere though so I could see what's what at a glance.

Could be like

Software App1 - System-wide App2 - System-wide App3 - System-wide App4 - User1 only App5 - User 2 only App6 - User1 and User2


bbrendon commented 6 months ago

Looks like it was merged. Time for white to do his magic?