amidaware / tacticalrmm

A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.
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If agent is offline have one-off commands/scripts/tasks be queued thru the "pending actions" mechanism #1521

Open silversword411 opened 1 year ago

silversword411 commented 1 year ago

If an agent is offline at the time of a command/script run is manually triggered it dies and disappears because the agent is offline

Have those items get put into the "pending actions" queue for when they come online

Also add more data to pending actions, like date/time and agent doing the task.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Scheduled scripts too would be good.

asasin114 commented 1 year ago

Would love to see this implemented!

Treawlony commented 1 year ago

A must have for non-corporate environments (like schools) where laptops are not always online