amidaware / tacticalrmm

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Wrong Boot Time with Linux Agent on Synology NAS #1970

Open janstalhut opened 1 month ago

janstalhut commented 1 month ago

Server Info (please complete the following information):

Installation Method:

Agent Info (please complete the following information):

Describe the bug The boot time is displayed incorrectly, it always says "55 years ago", also after a fresh Synology reboot

I have tried various Synology models from different generations: All of them seem to be affected by this problem:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Using the Linux Install Script to install the Agent on Synology via SSH
  2. The column Boot Time on TRMM shows "55 years ago"

Expected behavior Display of the correct boot time, like other Linux devices.

Additional context Unfortunately, I don't know how the agent determines the boot time. However, if I use the "uptime" command on one of the Synology systems, I get the correct time at which the system started.

If I can somehow help solve the problem with a debug log or something similar from the agent, please let me know.

wh1te909 commented 1 month ago

can you run the following command as root on the synology and paste output, make sure to redact urls and tokens:

tacticalagent -m checkin -log debug -logto stdout
janstalhut commented 1 month ago

Thats the debug output:

DEBU[0000] {Hostname:NAS-LJ Arch: AgentID:########## BaseURL:https://api.##### ApiURL:api.##### Token:########## AgentPK:95 Cert: ProgramDir:TacticalAgent EXE:TacticalAgent/tacticalrmm.exe SystemDrive: WinTmpDir:TacticalRMM WinRunAsUserTmpDir:TacticalRMM MeshInstaller:meshagent.exe MeshSystemEXE:/opt/tacticalmesh/meshagent MeshSVC:mesh agent PyBin:n/a PyVer:n/a PyBaseDir:n/a PyDir:n/a NuBin:/opt/tacticalagent/bin/nu DenoBin:/opt/tacticalagent/bin/deno AgentHeader:trmm/2.8.0/linux/amd64 Headers:map[Authorization:Token ########## Content-Type:application/json] Logger:0xc0001c0680 Version:2.8.0 Debug:true rClient:0xc0001b1400 Proxy: LogTo: LogFile:<nil> Platform:linux GoArch:amd64 ServiceConfig:0xc00011b290 NatsServer:wss://api.#####:443 NatsProxyPath:natsws NatsProxyPort:443 NatsPingInterval:38 NatsWSCompression:true Insecure:false} 
DEBU[0000] agent-hello {########## 2.8.0} 
DEBU[0000] agent-agentinfo {##########  NAS-LJ   x86_64 4.4.180+ linux 8 1000 false amd64} 
DEBU[0000] agent-disks {########## [{/dev/md0 ext4 2.3 GB 1.9 GB 245.2 MB 88} {/dev/mapper/cachedev_1 btrfs 424.8 GB 20.9 GB 404.0 GB 4} {/dev/mapper/cachedev_0 btrfs 14.0 TB 7.1 TB 6.9 TB 50} {/dev/mapper/cachedev_1 btrfs 424.8 GB 20.9 GB 404.0 GB 4} {/dev/mapper/cachedev_0 btrfs 14.0 TB 7.1 TB 6.9 TB 50}]} 
DEBU[0001] agent-winsvc {########## []} 
DEBU[0001] PublicIP start                               
DEBU[0001] Forcing ipv4: ####:####:e000:5a00::111d      
DEBU[0001] agent-publicip {########## ####:####:e000:5a00::111d} 
ERRO[0001] GetWMIInfo() ps.Host() 1 error: no valid /etc/<distrib>-release file found: 0 errors:  
Failed getting homedir.Dir(): exec: "getent": executable file not found in $PATHDEBU[0001] agent-wmi {########## map[cpus:[Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz] disks:[Unknown Unknown dm-0 14.5 TB Unknown Unknown dm-1 442.5 GB Unknown Unknown md0 2.4 GB Unknown Unknown md1 2.0 GB Unknown Unknown md2 442.5 GB Unknown Unknown md3 14.5 TB ATA  SCSI HDD sdc 14.6 TB ATA  SCSI HDD sdd 14.6 TB Synology  Unknown Unknown synoboot 120.0 MB] gpus:[] local_ips:[] make_model:Synology 1.0 serialnumber:123456789]}