amidaware / tacticalrmm

A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.
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Checks awaiting first synchronization #268

Closed JerresonJ closed 3 years ago

JerresonJ commented 3 years ago

I've got one agent stuck on "checks awaiting first synchronization" V 0.4.6 Agent V 1.4.3

I've uninstalled and re-installed this agent but it still gets stuck here. Any pointers?

wh1te909 commented 3 years ago

open cmd as admin and run "C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe" -m runchecks -log debug -logto stdout will print alot of debug info should see the error there

JerresonJ commented 3 years ago

There was no error there at all. But it still says awaiting first synchronization


GET  /api/v3/blahblahblah/checkrunner/  HTTP/1.1
HOST   : api.blahblahblah
        Accept: application/json
        Authorization: Token blahblahblah
        Content-Type: application/json
        User-Agent: go-resty/2.4.0 (
BODY   :
***** NO CONTENT *****
~~~ RESPONSE ~~~
STATUS       : 200 OK
PROTO        : HTTP/1.1
RECEIVED AT  : 2021-02-05T17:23:23.5723231-05:00
TIME DURATION: 135.998ms
HEADERS      :
        Allow: GET, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS
        Content-Length: 614
        Content-Type: application/json
        Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2021 22:22:04 GMT
        Referrer-Policy: same-origin
        Server: nginx
        Vary: Origin
        X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
        X-Frame-Options: DENY
BODY         :
   "agent": 12,
   "check_interval": 120,
   "checks": [
         "id": 3,
         "assigned_tasks": [
               "id": 3,
               "enabled": true
         "script": null,
         "check_type": "eventlog",
         "status": "pending",
         "threshold": null,
         "disk": null,
         "ip": null,
         "script_args": [],
         "timeout": null,
         "svc_name": null,
         "pass_if_start_pending": null,
         "pass_if_svc_not_exist": false,
         "restart_if_stopped": null,
         "log_name": "Application",
         "event_id": 15006,
         "event_id_is_wildcard": false,
         "event_type": "ERROR",
         "event_source": "MSExchangeTransport",
         "event_message": "Exchange Transport service is rejecting messages because available disk space is below",
         "fail_when": "contains",
         "search_last_days": 1,
         "agent": 12
wh1te909 commented 3 years ago

please try same command with this exe. Don't need to replace the exe in program files, just put this exe wherever u want but call it same way with -m runchecks -log debug -logto stdout this one should print some more debug info and then paste output please

JerresonJ commented 3 years ago

Using the new .exe above.

tacticalrmm.exe -m runchecks -log debug -logto stdout

That had the exact same output as above. There was no additional output.

wh1te909 commented 3 years ago

lol sorry im retarded. bug in event log check with latest agent xD i'll have a new release out shortly with the fix

JerresonJ commented 3 years ago

LOL - no problem. I'll update when I can. Thanks.

wh1te909 commented 3 years ago can you try please with this exe just as a sanity check before i release :)

JerresonJ commented 3 years ago

Definitely way more output there and now the interface says checks are passing. So it appears to be fixed in that version of the exe. Looks like it properly searched the event logs that time.

wh1te909 commented 3 years ago

thanks, released in 1.4.4